Hey, I'm Kelly. I was told that I was adopted at age 8, and ever since, I've been obsessively looking for my birth family.
I was born in Lexington, KY @ UK hospital at 1:24 AM on June 11, 1988. I was 21" and either 6lbs 1 oz or 7 lbs 1 oz.
It was a private adoption, not through an agency or anything, arranged before my birth. My adoptive parents' names are Tom and Rhonda McConathy. I was told that my birthmother's first name was Christie/Kristy/etc. and that her maiden name is of french origin and starts with 'B'. They also told me that she was 17 when I was born and wanted me to have things that she couldn't give me. I know nothing about my birthfather but would love to find him too.
I'm still 17, so I can't get ahold of my records yet, but I'm still trying any other means to get information until then.