S. came home yesterday and we are both so happy at the moment! She learned a lot from the intensive exploration of feelings and therapy sessions there. Meanwhile, I located an attachment therapist. I emailed a specialist on the site who is in our state, and asked for a referral. That worked! The site didn't have anyone listed anywhere near by.
We have an appointment with the attachment therapist in 8 days (...and seven hours and thirteen minutes, but who's counting?) I didn't wanting to wait for insurance approval. For my own mental health I had to have it in place before she got home so I would know there is help in sight, and she didn't want to go back to the therapist we had.
S. is being treated for depression and ADHD. It will take some time for the meds to work, but she is talkign about her feelings and fears like she has not done before. I never realized she was depressed. I know she is very manipulative and felt her withdrawl and rudeness what part of it. Now I know her rudeness was a way to shut me out and disassociate from her feelings or stress.
When we got home she went on the computer and was overwhelmed by kids messaging her, I sat beside her and suggeted she could just leave it for now and she agreed. WOW!! SHE AGREED!!!
Sadly, she ALSO came home to find a long e-mail from her **... ** found her on-line journal and wanted to make a connection with her. Its been two years since they have had contact. S is in foster care due to her Mom's neglect. Her ** wrote a loving letter and said she didn't understand what she did wrong... This hurt and angered my FD so much. Especially after she was returning from the hospital because of what she suffered because of her Mom. She hadn't finished the letter and I felt soooo heartbroken for her to have to deal with it right when she is already overwhelmed with the return from the hospital. I kissed her and rubbed her back and softly suggested that she could just wait, it might be better to finish reading it another time. She also agreed to that and was very open to my comforting gestures.
WOW this is what is so hard. When she is open she is so open to my love. Then after a while she might shut down or do something to try and make me not love her.
I found an excellent resource from Attach's annual conference that explains so well what we have witnessed in our FD. Here is the link of the presentation:
I will go back to this and reread it when I feel hopeless. I want to continue to be here for our FD and will be praying that the new form of therapy can make that possible.
A few weeks ago we were feeling so helpless and it was tearing us apart to think that this placement may need to be terminated. I pray to have the patience and resources to make it work and to see this beautiful young woman off to her own independence and health.
You might also want to take a look at some other resources to help. The following link will take you to some stories of hope by a few families: [url=""][/url] Hope and the positive experiences of others can really help you through the inevitable rough spots that occur every now and again.
Enjoy the holiday.