I am really confused. Some agencies say that Ukraine isnt possible right now, others tell me that they are still processing foreign adoptions but at a slower rate since the NAC is no longer in charge of that...Does anyone know something for sure ??Is it still worth looking at Ukraine with the uncertainty of their adoption center ??Hoping someone can shed some light on the situation, my husband and I have decided to look at adoption.
There are several factors at play right now in Ukraine. The dep't. that handled adoptions has recently been shut down in order for the new dep't to start doing adoptions. The problem right now is that we don't know exactly when they will be up and running. I suspect it won't be a really long wait, just my personal opinion. The gov't is closed right now for their holidays, so we may not know anything for another week to several weeks. Also, they are not accepting dossiers from Americans right now, unless it is for a child over 10 or a special needs child or if you have adopted in the past and are coming back for a sibling of your child. Supposedly, the US is missing many post placement reports from families that have adopted and until Ukraine receives the misssing reports, they won't accept any new dossiers unless it is for children as I described above.If you have not started a dossier yet, I would wait a little while longer and I think within the next couple of months adoptions in Ukraine will be more clear.Hope this helps. Good Luck!
Hi Gillian,
Charlotte is correct with each factor she mentioned. If you have your heart set on Ukraine, hang in there, it could happen. (Have you thought of other countries, such as Poland for example?) I would have to suspect that some agencies are guiding their clients away from Ukraine if at all possible, just because of the level of uncertainty right now. Several other coutries are much more stable...
With the re-establishment of the adoption center under a different ministry (and new name), there might also be new standards... or not. Though this isn't proven, it could be possible that some agencies do not want the hassle. I heard of one agency in particular that stopped working in Ukraine back in November or December.
Hope this helps instead of making things more confusing! Feel free to send me a private message if you'd like!
I went to Russia for my adoption. I was told to expect 6-9 months for completion, but it actually took 17 months due to changes in the process and governing bodies while I was in process. I wanted Russia because there was already one child in my family adopted from there, and I thought that would be just one more link for us as an extended family.
My friend wanted to adopt as well, and decided against Russia because of my delays. She is now delayed herself with the Ukraine. She is at the one year mark right now. In retrospect, she wishes she had gone with Russia, because once they finalized their changes, the adoptions are rolling at a normal pace now.
There is just no way to know. I can tell you that Russia is running smooth now, if you are considering other countries. I can also tell you that if you hang in there, you should be able to adopt from the Ukraine - if this is where your heart is. It may just take more patience to adopt from the Ukraine right now, than from another country.
One look at your child, no matter how long you have to wait, and it will all be worth it. I know. The 17 months it took us were agonizing, especially since we were expecting 6 - 9 months. However, I can hardly remember those tormenting months of waiting - since we have now been home 6 months.
Give changing countries some thought if you do not have a particular tie to the Ukraine. If you do want to go with the Ukraine, don't be scared off. Just do what you can with your end of this process, wait it out, and pray alot.
I have to disagree with waxhawfamily's opinion on Russia. I know many families that have been waiting well over a year to bring home their children from Russia. Many agencies are waiting for reaccrediation and so many families are stuck and can't move forward until their agency gets re accredited. I think most of Eastern Europe is experiencing delays right now. If your heart is not set on this part of the world, then China or Guatemala might be a better option for now.
:grouphug: friend's dossier has been registered and accepted in Ukr.....(it was sent back in Sept)....she will try to get a sibling group....and expects to travel sometime in Feb.....
.......................I believe the director of the NAC was fired...for etc. etc......things will take some time to get a normal rhythm ........especially when Ukr has to deal with oil and gas can understand that adoption issue are not going to be a priority on their list....
Hi there ladies. :) I have more info:I live in Canada and according to stat's, Canadians only adopted something like 12 children from Ukraine in 2005 !! China & Russia were the two main countries of choice. From what I have read on different websites, one reason that Ukraine halted adoptions from USA citizens, was because they had failed to give the yearly report that was required after the child/children were brought to north america. In 2004, American's adopted 723 children from Ukraine. This Was info posted on I cant find documentation of that being an issue for Canada - with good reason since just 12 families are easy to keep track of !!Even the Ukraine Embassy in Canada ( thieir website) doesnt say anything about adoptions being stopped and you'd think that it would. I was in the adoption section of their website too.Now I understand that the NAC is no longer going to be handling the adoption process so that is also an issue while it is sorted out but is there any one out there who has info about Canadians adopting from Ukraine ??This is a great website with ton's of good info for anyone who is interested !![url][/url]Hopefully we can all be blessed with a Ukrainian Child once the red tape is all sorted out !!
I emailed an agency that we 'might' use and asked what was happening with adoptions from Ukraine etc. I just checked my email and the reply I got from her was this...Dear Gillian,Thank you for your inquiry.Yes, Ukraine has put temporary hold on adoptions while the new adoption authority is taking over and some changes to legalization are being made.They should be re-opening in the near few months ( most likely in April ). We'll have the information package sent to you early next week once it is updated.Best Regards,ElenaNot that her info is the end all be all but she is from Ukraine so maybe she has updated info...
[font=Arial]Hey everyone... i have also been researching to find the answer to this question and I found some information on the United States Embassy in Ukraine. Here is the link so that you can read it word for word (this was posted on 11/23/05...) [/font][url=""][font=Verdana][font=Arial][/font][/font][/url][font=Arial] Although I know that this is somewhat old it at least gives you the link so that you can keep looking for updates [font=Wingdings][font=Wingdings]J[/font][/font] In the meantime I found an agency that assists with Ukrainian adoptions and they had an update as of 01/09/06Ņ heres the link for that [/font][url=""][font=Verdana][font=Arial][/font][/font][/url][font=Arial] size="3" The bottom line that they said was that the Ukraine government had all of itҒs offices closed until 01/09/2006. Before they left for the holidays they were trained on the new changes, but this site stated (of the [font=Arial]new State Department for Adoption and Protection of Children)[/font], [font=Arial]it will be able to work in its full capacity only around beginning or mid-February. No details have been given so far as to when the new State Department for Adoption and Protection of Children will be able to set or confirm appointments. We are anxiously waiting for more official information from the State Department for Adoption and Protection of Children after the Ukrainian holidays. We are currently advising our families scheduled to travel in January to postpone their plans until further notice.Ӕ[/font][/font] [font=Arial]I hope this helps answer a little bit if any of you find more information please let us all knowŅ several of us are anxiously awaiting this process [/font][font=Arial][font=Wingdings][font=Wingdings]J[/font][/font][font=Arial] I hope to hear some great news soon![/font][/font] [font=Arial]Blessings,[/font][font=Arial]Melody[/font][font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial]p.s. who is everyone using for ukraine adoption? i have read a ton of sites from people that have adopted "on their own" and they just used a facilitator (who was a social worker most of the time)... they go into very deep detail of how it worked for them, do you have any opinions? also, have you found the best when it comes to financial costs? i know that it is often priceless to have peace of mind, but we're just about all worried about finances... so, please let me know what you think and the helpful information that you have found in your journey... i think it is best to hear input from others in my shoes :) we are following our dream to adopt internationally that we even planned before we were married... following four years of infertility it feels good to know that we will actually be a mommy and daddy soon :) as of now we have done countless IUI's and a failed IVF attempt. our hearts are broken in that, but having biological children is not our priority... being parents is... so, this is the perfect thing for us :) a dream come true... and i can now see God's hand in all of this![/font]
hello everyone... i wrote to the US Embassy in Kiev about Ukrainian adoption and I got an e-mail back from them Friday... I just thought it might be helpful for all of you :) [font=Times New Roman]Dear Members of the American Adoption Community Interested in Ukraine:[/font] [font=Times New Roman]On January 12, the Rada (Ukraines parliament) passed law 8680 giving interim authority over adoptions to the Ministry of EducationҒs National Adoption Center (NAC) until the new adoption authority is legally established under the Ministry of Family, Youth, and Sports. The law will come into effect as soon as it is signed by the President, who has up to 15 days to review it. [/font][font=Times New Roman]The NAC has informed us that as soon as the law is signed by the President, the center will be reopened. The NAC will then issue a notice to the adoption community regarding how families whose adoptions were suspended or whose appointments were scheduled through January may proceed. As soon as the NACs notice is issued, we will translate it and post it on our web page, as well as send it to addressees on this e-mail list. [/font][font=Times New Roman]We strongly urge American prospective adoptive families who had previously-scheduled January appointments NOT to travel to Ukraine until such time as the NAC has issued a notice publicly confirming that those appointments will be honored.[/font][font=Times New Roman]Please continue to monitor the EmbassyҒs web page for the current status of adoption processing in Ukraine: [url=""][/url].[/font][font=Times New Roman]The Embassy will continue to track this and other adoption-related issues closely, and provide updates as appropriate.[/font][font=Times New Roman] [/font] [font=Times New Roman]Any American adopting parents who would like to be added to our e-mail list are welcome to contact us at[/font] [font=Times New Roman][/font] [font=Times New Roman].[/font][font=Times New Roman]Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.[/font] [font=Times New Roman]Sincerely, [/font][font=Times New Roman]Adoption Unit/Immigrant Visa Section[/font] [font=Times New Roman]Consular SectionAmerican EmbassyKyiv, UkraineTel: 38-044-4904422Fax: 38-044-490-4570[/font][font=Times New Roman] <>[/font] i hope this helps :)