I wanted to know if any of you have a playgroup or are involved in a playgroup? I have thought about getting one started but wanted to get some ideas of things to do. Activities or ideas are very much welcomed!!!
Thanks :)
We belong to a multi-cultural playgroup that meets the first Saturday of every month. We share dinner and then let the kids play and try to get some conversation in when we can. We actually keep it very loosely structured as that just causes so much more work and we're all busy enough as it is. In the summer we usually try to plan one meeting at a local park and bbq burgers, but otherwise we just open up our homes. The host family picks what will be done for dinner and everyone brings things for that. Recently, as the majority of the kids are able to play on their own longer, we have actually been sharing books that we've found that have been helpful resources or great kids books. There is one family that does take responsibility for keeping up the contact list and getting the months assigned. A definite need or the group will fall apart.
Thank you so much for your reply Janet!! The everyone brings a dish is a great idea too! It makes it easier on the host.
We had a fun playgroup last summer. It was all people we met at Gymboree...instead of signing up for Gymboree over the summer, we had the playgroup at the time we had been going to Gymboree (Friday mornings). There were about 6 mom/toddler pairs, and each week we went to someone else's house. That worked out well because then the toys seem new to most of the kids. We took turns bringing bagels and Munchkins and the host would make coffee and tea. We played for about 1-1/2 to 2 hours, although I think 1-1/2 hours is the longest toddlers can really go without getting tired of a playgroup. It really worked out pretty well, considering that these were people we didn't really know very well.
I just joined an active playgroup. I heard about it and joined in Dec, but with the holiday's we have yet to participate. Things that I have seen on the calendar include: farm tours, zoo play dates, going to a local park, BBQ, and they are starting to plan an annual family gathering at the beginning of the summer (where there is a playground, horseback riding, trails, etc.). I have noticed that they have 2 to 4 activities planned per month.
Good luck with the start of your playgroup - I am looking forward to later this month when I get to start participating in the one I joined!
I have a 6 month old so we are not yet at that active toddler stage. Today I signed us up for the weekly book / play hour at our local library for babies aged birth - 18 months. I'll let you know how it goes on Wednesday!
We did a playgroup and it was wonderful..but when I got LA people looked at is funny so I dropped out! But they can be fun and also a great way to share stories, clothing,diapers, toys etc to pass on and around!
We do a baby gym on Saturdays and also a baby reading!
God Bless,
We joined a playgroup when Owen was 7 weeks old! It was through the hospital he was born at, because we happen to live close enough. It has been awesome! The playgroup was supposed to go until they were 1 but there were some changes and our group ended when Owen was 9 1/2 months. We have now continued meeting at everyones home once a week and have had a blast! The information from the class from the teacher was invaluable.....let alone the discussions that came about our parenting :)
The smallest things what are you feeding your 10 month old for lunch? ...... ripe pears, bananas, avacodos, canalope etc..... What is your sleeping schedule??? crying it out or not?? Geezzzz.....can't tell you enough things learned.
Plus, we have an adoption group we email and meet occaisionally ....I contacted personally through parent profiles.
We have a playgroup here in the Fresno, Ca area. It was originally started by famlies that traveled to China together 7 years ago. There are kids from all over- Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Biological, African-American, Kaz.
We meet weekly most of the year for birthday parties, pool parties, the park, model rockets, Chinese New Year, holidays, etc. If you are in the area, you are welcome to come!
We joined a play group when my baby was 3 months and we love it. There are 10 families and we meet as a group twice a month and then in smaller groups...generally who ever can make it about once a week. When we meet as a group we have a potluck dinner and the babies all play. We use it as a time to network and share experiences more than socializing the babies.
We keep it pretty flexible, but you could introduce music, painting...even with just water, rather than paints...if your kids are old enough, they really love it. You can brush water on a chalk board. There are tons of activities.
We found our group through a local birth to three chapter. Do you have anything like that in your area?
Take care,