:grr: Hey I am new to all this but i am trying.
I am needing help to find my biological family and back ground. I have an empty hole in my heart that no-one has ever filled. I still feel like as if i don't belong anywhere. I am too old to keep feeling like this but i can't stop it.any suggestions??????????? I just turned 42 yesterday and i am wondering if my mom thinks of me on my birthday still. I think of her every year on this date.Help me somebody Please. Thank you. Joyce
Hi, Joyce,
Boy, do I know that empty feeling. I'm 37 and that feeling is finally starting to go away. I have searched and located most of my bfamily. My bmom wants nothing to do with me. You would think that I would feel even more empty, but I really don't. The thing is, I finally know where I came from, who I came from, and how I came to be. So, although reunion hasn't been "heaven", I am, for the first time, starting to feel like a valid human being.
Also, being here amongst other adoptees has given me a feeling of being "not so alone in the world". It is wonderful to have people to talk with that truly understand what it's like.
My best to you.
Hi Joyce,
I can relate to how you feel. I felt I had a hole in my soul too and I was older than you are when I reunited with my bfamily.
What types of things have you tried to start your search? Maybe we can help!
Hi Joyce,
I wonder how you great up and if you've taken the time to work with a counselor. I was adopted and formed my family through adoption. I have a wonderful family. Well actually they're not ALWAYS so wonderful, but that's how families are right??
I worry that your expectations of your birth mother may be unrealistic and that the source of your emptiness may have nothing at all to do with adoption.
Is that possible?