We are adopting a Vietnam baby hopefully by June end. I would love to BF. I have purchased the playtex pump and need to know doses of BLessed thistle and Fenugreek. With the situations being such that washing bottles will be a challenge and also, I was told by the agency that you have to back the baby off the formula they are on slowly, would you go ahead and put baby to breast while in vietnam or would you wait until you were home? Thank you for the refresher on doses and any help you may offer.
Follow the instructions on the bottles for the herbs you have. The ones I have I take 2 tablets of each 3 times a day.I would breast and bottle feed while there.. that way you can stimulate and get the baby used to nursing. Or you could bring a supplementor and fill it with the babies current formula while breastfeeding..~Shannon
I am new to this board, but your questions was the first one that jumped out at my. My husband and I plan to apply this summer to adopt a baby girl from Vietnam. I also want to breastfeed. And, I also had the same question you did about whether I would want to start immediately nursing while in Vietnam or wait until home. I would love to hear more about the process you are going through Dearonebaby!!
One thing I was thinking of though ggman is that the child is being brought up in that atmosphere.. obviously it is not use to perfect scenarios and deffinately not having everything Clean... maybe if you asked the locals how they wash things and stuff then they would be able to help you... I often wondered if sterilizing in a poor country or being very concerned about washing like we do isn't really going to be too clean and a shock to little one's body. They simply aren't use to real clean like us and we tend to try to carry our habits there, and we could maybe be ok if we just learn how they do things... as far as pumping.. I would suggest a good manual because of the lack of electricity.
An electric pump is the ideal for stimulating a milk supply, you could rent one from your local hospital, I do not recommend the Gerber or playtex type AT ALL (you likely will end up w/ bruised nipples) if you are unsure of the electrical issues in Vietnam then I would recommend the Avent manual system. It works very well and the Avent bottles/nipples are designed to make the baby work at sucking as if he were breastfeeding (the nipples are longer so baby sucks more like breastfeeding).It is important to start stimulating the breasts so pumping and manual stimulation as soon as you know or are sure the baby is coming if not before.As for the herbs and dosing, you may want to check out "AskLenore" on the web. She can provide you with a whole protocol to help with the induced lactation. Also the World Health Organization has a document on Induced Lactation with a protocol to help you wean the baby from the bottle.Best of Luck and remember there is more to breastfeeding the the adequate supply of milk, so if the baby continues to need bottles but will nurse as well that is okay. Also if your baby is older (3, 4, 5, 6 months) it may be more challenging to get him to take the breast. Not trying to discourage you, it just is.Again Best of Luck.BFMUN
I used Domperidone and pumped 3 times a day for 10 min. each session and had milk in 2 days. I personally used The First Years electric double pump. I was freezing milk by the end of the third week. I was very happy because we got our baby within 2 weeks of signing with our agency. However I did newborn domestic. I put her to the breast within 15 min. of getting her and she took right to it even with being a preemie. I never used the SNS, I just nursed and finished with her formula. I probably gave her atleast 25% of her food. Unfortunately she weaned at 9 mo., but sometimes she will still show interest. Good luck!