WOHM or SAHM with more than one child or busy, scheduled kids: When is your special one to one time with your child? Do you schedule a time or have a routine or do you plan something together spur of the moment? What do you do together to have fun and keep communication open?
My sweet boy (2.5 yrs) and I commute to another city together 3 days a week, I go to work, & he has a daycare near my job. The big pluses are being able to use the carpool lane and having the special time alone in the car to sing and be silly and tell eachother that we love eachother 100 times. When we get to his school, he gets in the front seat on my lap and I snuggle him for a while before his day.
When we get home we usually play at his sand and water table (great investment!) It has blue sand in it right now & he loves for me to play in it with him.
Each night he gets a half hour in Mom and Dad's bed where we read, or tickle and snuggle, just him & I.
Dad's special time every night is prayers and blessings at bedtime. DS thrives on this and is so comforted by the routine.