we've been matched with a pbmom who has 4 other kids. does anyone have any experience with this? would it be inappropriate to send her a disposable camera to take pictures of the family for the adopted child? she doesn't have much money so i figure she can give the camera back to us and we will develop the photos.
i'm also thinking of sending her the birthmom book of memories but need to check with the agency if this is ok.
Our sons birthmom also has 4 other children, we send them birthday gifts, pics etc. Our birthmom has a camera but I have had her send the pics to me to develop... I have pics of my sons siblings around the house and in his room, they are a part of our lives and family.
My two children have an older brother and becasue we have an open adoption, they adore one another. We always have pictures of him in our home in fact we evenly exchange pictures with one another - we expect our pictures just like she does ;)
I think that's a great idea, though she's still a potential bmom so she may want to wait until after placement.
we didn't do this (too quick a match!) but we did get copies of pictures of bmom pregnant with dd when we met later.
I sent our birthmom a disposable camera at Christmas. She got the pics developed and sent some to us at New Years. When we went to meet them and see Jack be born, I made sure to take pics with my digital camera, and left it at the hospital on the night that her whole family came to say goodbye to the baby.
I fully plan on sending cameras throughout the year so we can get pics of her older son, and her sister and brother.
My DD has two older sisters and we have had visits with them both from time to time that included their mother. We send them Christmas and birthday presents as well as regular letters and pictures.
I think the disposable camera is a great idea. Just be sensitive to the expecting mom's feelings about it. We have some amazing pics from the time of Bug's birth (and three visits after that) of the girls together.