Hello everyone. I have custody of my almost 4 year old grandchild (since 6 months ago). His birth parents choose drugs instead of him. it's sad... his mom (my daughter) WAS a good mother at first, but relapsed and is moved away!! I can't understand it myself... Anyway, I am so so worried about my grandson. Will he hate her, will he grow up full of rage and anger? Can she ever repair the wounds she has inflicted on him? We on other hand LOVE this child. We have been in his life since the moment he was born. He is our shineshine, and he knows it. Will this be enough to keep him happy, or will he forever long for her and his father? Also, I am going to make a scrapbook (my first) and include happy pictures of them.. is this a good idea or should I hardly mention them at all? Any advise or thoughts? [url="editpost.php?do=editpost&p=1200848"][/url]
My youngest daughter was adopted by her grandparents. Just to let you know its not uncommon. I dont know how he will react if he found out that his parents would rather have drugs then him. I know my daughter had questions for her b-father and I. Questions to why we gave her up. And her b-father remarried and fostered children. She felt resentful and wondered if the reason he didn't want her was because she wasn't a boy. I am sure he will have plenty of questions to why his b-parents didn't want him. Best of luck.