She's got 8 books and while not having specifically tod o with foster children they are about kids with special needs, mostly due to abusive situations. Excellent reading !
and it is great....
Torey Hayden
There is her non fiction
Ghost Girl (about a child with elective mutism and satanic abuse, who goes to foster care)
One Child and Tiger's Child about a girl named Shelia who is abused and does some very serious things 1st book is about when she is in 1st grade and Torey gets her as a SpEd student, and the second is when Torey meets her a little later 12-14 years old I think and gets to spend time with her (Shelia is living a gropu home by then
Somebody Else's Kids setting is one of her Special Ed classes, and some of the children are in foster care or adopted
Just Another Kids working with 2-3 kids from war torn country who are living with relatives and once again one of the kids is a special needs adoption
Beautiful Child about a child who is being rasied in an abusive environment and does end up in foster care...also she has 2 students who were adopted and have special needs..
Murphy's Boyabout a boy grouwing up in treatment centers because of abusive birth home
Twilight Children one of the kids is very reactive after abusive kiddnapping by b-father who left her alone with a man who severely abused her....the child makes a lot of false aligations of abuse of psy hospital staff, teachers, b-mom and step dad and anyone she is around....
and her only currently in publication in English fiction is
The Very Worst Thing the main character is a boy in foster care .....really positive look at foster care...great foster mom....does talk about the lonelyness and the moving issues and some things foster children may feel
Torey was both a Special Ed teacher and a with many special needs children through both jobs....