We are excited to announce the launch of 26 adoption and family-related blogs at [url=][/url], and one is specifically about Reactive Attachment Disorder. Be sure to check it out here: [url][/url]
If I had to do this over; I would have never adopted. I wanted to disrupt in china but husband refused. Now I been living in hell. Warned him two days ago if we couldn't get this under control, I was leaving. This child screamed, poop and peeped his pants, and lied throughout his home country. Not only did he lied but the adoption guides also lied. China just wants your money.
Since we got home, we had a child that either poops on the floor when he is mad or pants. Tried to kill the cat, is an accomplished liar and he is only 6. He respects only men and women are to be manipulated. He also knows how to self pleasure which is rather young. When my husband is around he behaves; when he isn't oh boy. I have a hard time hugging him after catching him doing the pleasure thing and how to you build something when there isn't trust. Looking for a therapist, and praying that helps.
I am so sorry for your situation and agree with your idea to find a good therapist who knows attachment. There are therapists listed at and Praying for you and your family!
Hello Everyone, we have an 18 month old little boy, he came to us at 14 months, from age 4.5 months to 14 he had been in 4 foster homes, while having a weekly visit for 90 minutes with bio mom. His status has now changed from RU to adopt, however he is getting ready for therapy because he is very very aggressive. He has tantrums which are appropriate for his age, but then he has anger aggression where he hits, kicks, throws whatever he can find at anyone in daycare or me, sometimes its when he gets changed. When we first got him after every visit he had diarrhea and violent behavior 2 to 3 days, then he calmed down until the next visit. Now its more often. He is not attached to a toy, nothing for security.....they say he may have RAD, but I've been fighting the foster care for care and finally I know have a worker who approved the referral. He has recentlly begun to dig at his eyes. Other times he is just the most wonderful little boy and it breaks my heart to see him in so much pain, its ok until I drop him off to daycare and he loses it, most days he takes the bus , but occassionally I take him and it beyond normal and he loves his daycare. Any suggestion?
I have a 7 year old child that I have had permanently since he was 2 1/2 years old and knew since he was borned. He was diagnosed at age 5 with ADHD and RAD. I had thought perhaps once we go the ADHD under control, we would be fine and so it appeared. However as of late he is really ramping things up. He is perfect at school and no one would ever guess he has anger and control issues like he has at home. It seems we cannot find anything that helps him. I am desperately looking for tips and words of encouragement from any parent who has successfully managed RAD behaviors with a 7 year old. He seems to love us dearly until he angers. He also shows signs of inappropriate laughter. It is believed he is moderately Asbergers as well.