If you're thinking about getting an abortion, it might help to read stories written by women who have already had an abortion.
Hope it helps in some small way,
Yeah totally suprising ;) can you sense my sarcasm. Wonder if I wrote my "story" and how I suffered no emotional trauma, etc from my abortion if they'd post it?!
Yes... I'm sure a lot of women feel this way... But a couple RL friends of mine had abortions and a few very close online friends have had abortions... And from what I know, none of them regret it.. Maybe it's b/c they were confident it was the right choice for them and didn't rush into it, maybe it's b/c they don't believe life begins at conception... But who really knows what another truely thinks and why.
I personally don't find this site helpful, it just collects a bunch of storries that are for the most part the same and presents them as the norm. I think if there was a little of everything, good/bad... It would be worth posting on a board like this... That's JMO.. But hey, I've learned to deal w/ the "weirdoes" w/ an ajenda here who get strange single use usernames to Post or PM useless crap like this (trust me, My PM box and email were full ;) ). It was offensive at first but now it's just laughable :lol