Quote from a discussion about the new show The Family Makers on TLC.
Quote from a discussion about the new show The Family Makers on TLC.
"The second issue was with a pbmom. I forget her name but she was young and pretty. She had straight strawberry-blond hair. She seemed so picky about the potential aparents. Now, I know she has a right to is her baby. But, I didn't like seeing how much the aparents were at the mercy of the bmoms. Since we adopted through fostercare we didn't have this experience. I know this is typical and probably is the right thing, but it was hard to see. We chose our children. We didn't have to write letters or put on an overly happy face to try to win over a pbmom. It was strange to see. Again...please take with a grain of salt...we went through foster care. I kind of knew that private domestic was that way, but it was tough to see and further helped me see that it is not a path I would ever choose."
My response:
Thru open adoption we go thru scrutinizing "interviews" with birthmothers. We were one of three couples to be interviewed by our daughters birthmother. We then had to be accepted and "interviewed" by the birthfather as well. It was exhausting, heart wrenching, probably the hardest thing we will ever go thru, but in the end rewarding. Although it is hard, I do understand though, this woman is going to chose the best people they can find to be parents for the most precious thing in the universe. How could it not be hard.