Okay, Here is my dilemna. My dh and I have a net worth of -35,000. This is because we have 45,000 in student loans. We just graduated 2 years ago and have not paid much on them yet. We just bought a house and our cars are fairly new. As a result, we do not have enough equity to cancel out the huge student loan debt. I am sure there are others with student loans who have adopted. We had our home visit yesterday and she looked somewhat concerned by our negative net worth. Did anyone else encounter this? I am concerned they will deny our home study for fnancial reasons. We can definitely afford a baby. We make more than we spend and we have (some, not a lot) in savings. Any feedback, positive or negative would be appreicated. If we are going to be denied, I need to preppare myself, because it will be very hard on me. I think I am going to call the agency later and see what they can tell me. Thanks for listening.
Hi Marci,We didn't have that problem, but I'm sure the agency will work with you. Especially if you make more than you spend. I'd think that they would want to make sure that you can financially support a child, rather than be concerned with what your net worth looks like on paper.Good Luck!!
Marci,Glad you made it through yesterday! I wouldn't worry too much - they'll really look more at the current income and be sure it's steady. Yay!! You survived the homestudy! Another hurdle down! You're farther along in the process ! It's a milestone - I'm celebrating for you! So, did she look in your cabinets? Closet floors? Refrigerator? Ask any off-the-wall questions???Stork
Storkwatcher, She did not look at anything! No terribly difficult questions either. I had cleaned like a fiend and spent $35 on fire extinguishers. She did not even turn lights on in all of the rooms as she looked around. She asked about fire extinguishers, but did not actually check to make sure they were there. The questions were mostly repeats of questions we had already been asked either on our paperwork or at our office interview. At least this part is done. My husband says we will be fine and will get approved. We find out Monday, so I am sure I will post as soon as I hear something.