Hi, we are looking into hispanic infant adoptions and would love some help with agencies that do this. We have a daughter from Guatemala. If you can help please PM me about this.
Thank You, Susan Y
ajrl- could you pm me as well? We are considering a 2nd adoption however are also thinking we will go domestic this round.
Hi, Can you PM me as well? We're in the process of adopting from Guatemala but are already thinking ahead to number 2. Thank you!!
You can PM me and I can give you the name of an agency I know does a lot of hispanic adoptions.
If you receive this we are interested in a domestic hispanic adoption. Our daughter is from Guatemala and now that Guatemala is closed we would like to try a domestic adoption. any suggestions.
PM us..
Has anyone ever worked with Heartfelt adoption agency in california? Please PM me with information?
hi... we live in Albuquerque, NM which has a very very large Hispanic population. Our adoption agency places the most babies that are Hispanic/Caucasian, then Caucasian..... and few full Hispanic babies. The Hispanic community tends to keep the babies in the family and grandma raises the grandbabies...
good luck,
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Please pm me regarding your agency that places the most Hispanic children. Thank you
Last update on November 10, 12:54 pm by Kelly Lyons.