Well as all of you know, there is no co-ops, support groups, or any type of networking in Northeastern PA. This is a great opportunity to get the ball rolling! I would love to hear from you Luzerne/Lackawanna Co. foster and foster/adopt moms. How about a cup of coffee at Borders or Barnes and Noble? Contact me here about it! See you soon...:woohoo: ps. I'm the moderator for the Lackawana/Luzerne Cos. on the Foster Swap website... Its a good opportunity for us to support each other! :thankyou:
Hello, I am Foster/Adopt and I live in Luzerne Co. (Mountain Top, area) I have several friends in the area that are Foster or foster/adopt as well, and we would love to join a support/ discussion group. I am also the Vice President of the Luzerne County Foster Parent Association. If you start a support group please feel free to let me know where and when and I will have it published in the Luzerne County Newsletter. My understanding at this point is that the Luzerne County Foster Parent Association is only for County licinsed foster homes, but I would like to try and see if we can open membership up to all foster homes in the county. ( did that make any sense or was it to wordy) We offer quarterly training sessions at C&Y on Penn Ave. but no support/ disscution meetings. Please feel free to contact anytime.
My husband and I are just starting the application process to become foster parents. We're figuring on strictly fostering first, but may decide to go foster-adopt later.
We are very interested in keeping in touch with some local foster parents. Maybe some of you more experienced fp's can give us some great starter tips!
One thing I was wondering.. is there a store nearby, similar to unclaimed freight, where we could get bunk beds or other furniture we might need for this, at a low cost? We are on a fixed income now, and we really want to help some children in need, but don't want to go much further into debt by purchasing all the furniture and other supplies.
Try craig's list, or post a wanted poster on a local church bulletin (explaining why you want the furniture). Try going to yard sales with spring coming up or 2nd hand stores/consignment shops. You may be able to stock up on a variety of things for your future kids with all these different paths. Good luck and welcome!