


Age: 37

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 39

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 37

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Age: 39

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Work & Education

Education: Bachelor's Degree

Profession: Stay at Home Mom


Education: Law Degree

Profession: Attorney

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Closed (no contact after placement)


Country: USA

State: Utah

Us Region: Western US

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 15 to 20 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: No

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Not open to multiple children

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Badge Icon

Adoption Service Provider

UtahAdoption Specialists



Andrew, Mallory, Fitz (6) and Cohen (4).
Dear Birth-Parents,

We would spend the rest of our lives loving them unconditionally and giving them every advantage in life that one could possibly have

We don’t know what it would feel like to be in a position to place a baby for adoption. We have not been on your side of the equation, so we won’t pretend to understand the many emotions you must be feeling. What we do know, is that if you do decide to place your baby, whatever your reasoning, we would spend the rest of our lives loving them unconditionally and giving them every advantage in life that one could possibly have. Your baby would become the baby of our family and would have two older also-adopted siblings to love on them and navigate through life together.

As for our side of the equation, we can't do it on our own. With all our hearts we want to add to our little family of four and care for a new baby. We have two beautiful children ages 6 and 4. They both joined our family...

We don’t know what it would feel like to be in a position to place a baby for adoption. We have not been on your side of the equation, so we won’t pretend to understand the many emotions you must be feeling. What we do know, is that if you do decide to place your baby, whatever your reasoning, we would spend the rest of our lives loving them unconditionally and giving them every advantage in life that one could possibly have. Your baby would become the baby of our family and would have two older also-adopted siblings to love on them and navigate through life together.

As for our side of the equation, we can't do it on our own. With all our hearts we want to add to our little family of four and care for a new baby. We have two beautiful children ages 6 and 4. They both joined our family through the miracle of adoption. Both situations are closed adoptions for the most part at the requests of their birth mothers. We would have honored nearly any situation their birth-mothers desired.

Mallory has a health condition that will not allow for her to conceive and carry a baby. Twice before, expectant birth mothers did something for us that we could never do for ourselves. Two separate incredibly strong selfless women made the decision to place their baby for adoption with us and unite us with our new baby boys. No greater gift can ever be given. These birth mothers will forever be our heroes. There is no greater act of love that one human can show to another than placing a baby for adoption. It requires loving another more than we love ourselves. Our hopes and dreams were made a reality through the loving acts of another. We owe these two birth-mothers our everything. Both times, as we looked down at our little guys, the bond was instant, we knew it was meant to be. To this day we tell both of our sons the story of how these incredible women out there "birth-momma" helped us find each other and made us a family. Yes, Mallory has a health condition that won't allow her to carry a pregnancy, but that is not why we want to adopt again. We want to adopt again because we now know there is no greater miracle. The biology makes no difference at all, our son is our son. We want to raise three adopted children together. We want our children to have siblings and a full family. They will all be in the same boat. They will have the shared experience of all being adopted. They will be life-long best friends. We know the importance of having siblings, someone to rely on, to love, to play, and to create life-long friendships and memories. If you are potentially looking to place your baby into the right home, we hope you'll consider us. This will be our final adoption. The baby of the family. They will be showered with love and care every day of their life.

Mallory and I have been married for 15 years. I (Andrew) was born and raised in Kaysville, Utah, moved around a ton growing up, and finally ended up in St. George in time for high school. Mallory was born and raised in St. George, Utah. We went to high school together. We were even partners in a dance class, but we did not start dating until our Senior year of college at Dixie State University, now called Utah Tech University. Once we started dating, we knew right away that we would always be hopelessly in love. We got married less than a year later. We had been married 8 years before we welcomed our precious baby boy into our family. We were lucky enough to be granted the greatest of all miracles. We adopted our son in 2018. We named him Fitz. He is now 6 years old. In 2020, we adopted our 2nd son, Cohen. He is now 4. The last 6 years have been everything we ever dreamed. Our children are our everything-- our purpose for living.

We know firsthand how the miracle of adoption brings a love that many others could never understand. We want so badly to adopt again. We'd love to turn our family of 4 into a family of 5. We want our children to grow up with multiple siblings so they can know the happiness that comes from growing up with a large nuclear family. We want them to have someone to be there for each other through thick and thin. After 15 years married and 6 years with our boys, we still love each other more every single day.

Andrew is the Managing Partner of a highly successful law firm in St. George. He graduated from A.S.U. law school in 2014. We live in a large house in an extremely safe neighborhood that is full of other kids. We have a pool and a basketball court and we take these kids on family vacations several times per year. Andrew loves sports, if he is not playing them he is watching them on TV or playing fantasy football. Andrew finds humor in everything. He is always laughing and having a good time. He has four sisters and he is extremely protective and loyal to all of them. Our little boys are his best friends. Andrew won't go to work in the morning until he's gotten to play with them. He takes them everywhere, leaves work early to see them sooner, reads to them, coaches all their sports teams, and provides everything they could ever want for them.

Mallory worked full-time for Edward Jones Investments until we had our first child. She then left her job to stay home and care for our children full-time. She is living her dream and will be home full-time with our children forever. She enjoys working out and being active. Mallory has such special relationships with her nieces and nephews as well. They all adore her. She has a way with children and is an extraordinarily tender and caring person. Mallory developed an instant unbreakable bond with our babies both times. She seems to speak their language. She was a natural with a baby. Fitz and Cohen both know there is no safer or more comforting place than in her arms. She brings patience and peace to every interaction with our little guys. They share a room because they like to sleep together in a king bed. Mallory reads them to sleep each night and they fall asleep in her arms. Most nights, either Fitz or Cohen will wake up in the night and they will then wake the other up. They will both then come looking for mom. They climb in our bed to be near Mallory so I (Andrew) usually get up and go finish the night in the boys bed so I have some room.

Our plan is to stay near to our friends and family in the St. George community long term. We have huge extended families, most of which are local, and we cherish those relationships. Grandparents on both sides dote on our children constantly. Mallory has 5 siblings and they all have children so our kids have 25 cousins. All of Mallory's extended family and most of Andrew's live in St. George. The aunts all beg for babysitting opportunities with Fitz and Cohen.

We have been extremely blessed. We are the luckiest people in the world. Everyone has struggles. The greatest struggle in our life is that Mallory has been diagnosed with Lupus. Things could be much worse. She lives a healthy, active lifestyle. Her life expectancy is not reduced. It’s not a fatal disease. It is not communicable. That means that no one can catch it from her. All in all, it is quite well managed, but at a cost.

Mallory required a kidney transplant and therefore needs to take medications in order to be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, those meds will not allow her to safely conceive and carry a healthy baby. Until 6 years ago, that situation placed a hole in our heart. We wanted children so very badly, but we couldn't risk Mallory’s health, and we couldn't risk the health the new baby. Attempting to conceive was not an option. Honestly, now that we know how amazing adoption is, we would never want to conceive. Our boys are infinitely more incredible than anything we could have ever possibly created with our own DNA. We mean that 100% sincerely without any doubt. I want our boys to see how much we love this new baby and help them continue to understand how the miracle of adoption works. I want our third baby to have the two greatest big brothers in the whole world and to have them as big brothers who have been through the same thing.

We know that adopting again is right for us. We are ready. We have been ready. We also know that it has to be right for you. We are confident that things will work out. The timing and the situation just need to be a fit. If you have any questions for us at all, please don’t hesitate to call or text. We are happy to speak with you.

Thanks, and the very best of luck to you in this process!

Andrew & Mallory
Insta: @andrewspainhower & @malloryspain

Please feel free to check out our Facebook and Instagram profiles to get to know more about us!

We are Andrew, Mallory, Fitz, and Cohen.

We know firsthand how the miracle of adoption brings a love that many others could never understand.

Hoping to adopt our third and final baby.
We have been married for 15 years. We have two children ages 6 and 4-- both adopted as newborns. We are looking to add one more child to our family.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Closed (no contact after placement)


Country: USA

State: Utah

Us Region: Western US

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 15 to 20 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: No

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents


Stephanie Spainhower (sister and aunt)

I'm the sister of Andrew, sis-in-law of Mallory, and favorite aunt of Fitz and Cohen, who are the light of my life. I would recommend Andrew and Mallory as parents to anyone that desires a top-tier family and home for a cherished child. They are the parents you are looking for. As a couple, they are nurturing, kind, empathetic, involved, FUN, active, structured, protective, dependable, resilient, goal-oriented, hardworking, and happy. Andrew is an attorney, a partner at his successful firm. He performs at a high level in every area of his life, and has always been that way. Mallory's full-time gig is being a busy mom to their 2 boys. Anyone who has done it knows the planning, logistics, and stamina that being a stay-at-home parent takes. She does it all. These two heroes both do all of that, and they also both make it to the gym every day. They live purposefully, doing all things with an optimized life in mind. They both work hard and are 100% dependable in keeping their word. I am not exaggerating, I mean 100%. Neither of them has ever let me down or not come thru when needed. They take multiple fun vacations each year and keep up with sports, outings, and activities for their boys each week. Andrew is a FUN dad. He wants his kids to have every big fun experience that is out there. He coaches all of their teams. He loves doing new things with the boys, whether it is rock climbing, building sandcastles in Hawaii, or being first in line when Disneyland opens in the morning. Mal is the same way and loves having fun with the boys. She is ready for anything; she plans amazing enriching experiences for the boys and is always ready to be present in the fun with them. She will build Legos for hours side by side with either of her sons. She embraces the special moments and helps each boy feel special and seen. Whatever the kids become interested in or excited about, both parents dive in completely. Andrew and Mal are big on fun, but also on routine. Both Andrew and Mal help the boys stick to their bedtime routine and make it comfy and easy. They are both involved with making sure the boys take showers, brush teeth, eat enough healthy food, get enough sleep, have active play every day, and read every day. Reading is a big part of life in the Spainhower home, as is education overall. The boys are both applauded for their effort and accomplishments. Mallory and Andrew are surrounded by both of their families of origin, all living nearby. They and the kids have tons of help and support if it is ever needed. There is no shortage of love and attention for the children already in the home, the same way it would be for a new member of their family. If there is a new little one for Andrew and Mallory, I love the kid already. Andrew and Mallory have many, many people that love them, that would do anything for them. They create this loyalty and affection in those around them because they love the people around them so demonstrably and wholeheartedly.

Stephanie Spainhower Endorsed Loving, Financially Stable, Fun, Athletic, Faith-oriented, Educated, compassionate

Favorite Image
Favorite Image

Jade Lucero

Best friends

Andrew and Mallory are literally the best people we know. We are so lucky to have them be apart of our lives. They are some of our favorite people to spend time with. Their 2 boys are so well loved and cared for, and we just love all of them!

Jade Lucero Endorsed Loving, Financially Stable, Fun, Athletic, Faith-oriented, Educated, compassionate, Loving, Financially Stable, Fun, Athletic, Faith-oriented, Educated, compassionate

Favorite Image

Jade Lucero

Best friends

Andrew and Mallory are literally the best people we know. We are so lucky to have them be apart of our lives. They are some of our favorite people to spend time with. They're 2 boys are so well loved and cared for, and we just love all of them!

Jade Lucero Endorsed Loving, Financially Stable, Fun, Athletic, Faith-oriented, Educated, compassionate, Loving, Financially Stable, Fun, Athletic, Faith-oriented, Educated, compassionate

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