The proper forms you need to petition the courts in NC are now up on the NC Coalition for Adoption Reform website at: [url][/url]
Remember you have to request a copy of the final decree of adoption from the Clerk of Superior Court in the county where the adoption was finalized and send a copy with the forms above.
Please, check with the county you want to file in as a lot of NC counties seem to have a fee ($50.00) which has to be sent in with the form. If you have any questions about filling these out you can either contact tricia or me at
As tricia in the North Carolina area said in another post if all of the adoptees out here who are in search mode start doing this, and the courts get inundated with requests, they will know this is not just something random happening.
All we ask of you is if you file a petition with a court, please let NCCAR know the following:
The county you filed with
The date you filed
If they accepted your forms
If they granted you a hearing
What were you able to get? OBC, all contents of file, etc.
If we can start getting some statistics together on what counties are granting these requests and which are not, we will post this on the site and also have it for when we go to the legislature in 2007.
We currently know "just cause" is within the eyes of they judge which causes a lot of adoptees to feel like they are beating their heads against a brick wall .
We want to know which judges grant access and for what "just cause".
So please be angels and help us with this request.
Roberta MacDonald