No!! Are you age/race/gender specific? I originally requested 2 girls (I have one room so it has to be either/or). I got them; they were sent to a family with their siblings; then I got a 6 yo (later I got his brother at 2 days). Now I have 2 other bio brothers. If you're more open to age and/or race, it may speed things up.
We were told in our IMPACT class that if you are doing only adoption and you want a baby, you will have about a 5 year wait. We are in GA, and i'm sure the wait would be different in other states. We have done foster care for a couple of years, and it's been very rewarding. Our first placement was a straight-from-the-hospital newborn AA male. So adorable! We were asked pretty quickly if we were interested in adopting. However, they found a birth family member on the fathers side, that was already a licensed foster parent and they wanted him (Yay!! He's with family!) However, after doing this a while we asked that our license be updated to a foster-to-adopt license. We now have a sibling group of 3 that we are hoping to adopt soon. The parents rights were TPR'd 10 days ago, so we are waiting to find out if they try to appeal. Foster adoption is the same thing as "legal risk" adoption...and it's not for everyone! But it's somthing to consider.