congenital hydrocephalus:
Has anyone heard of this? Are there long term effects after the shunt surgery? What are the possible complications?
My cousin's baby was born with this and they put a shunt in him and he is doing great. They said he will never play football but he sure can wrestle with the best at family get togethers. We don't see him but twice a year so I don't know all the details.
I have a cousin with this. He had the shunt put in as a baby and is 15 now and doing great in all areas.
As the mother to a Biological son that has Hydrocephalus, a cousin with a heart problem, and various "Adopted" In-laws with a myriad of "Special Needs" as well as many cousins that are "normal" my son and his shunt have had fewer problems, but get seen faster, than everyone else in the family. We have been fully encouraged to get him into Horse Back Riding, gymnastics, and Martial arts, as well when he is older and wants he will be allowed and encouraged to play Hockey, Football, Soccer, and everything else.
My husband is 40 and has hydrocephalus. His shunt stopped working about 10 years ago and his neurologist said that if it hasn't worked in 10 years and he's still alive, no need to replace it at this point.
Feel free to PM me if you any questions.