OK. I'm asking for some more of that fantastic name advice from the Forum. One of the names DH and I are considering for our sweet baby girl is Sabrina. We both love this name. It's one of the only names that we both seem to agree on. It makes me think of the movie classic starting Audrey Hepburn.
Any suggestions on a middle name(s) that would flow nicely with Sabrina? Also the spelling -- Sabrina, Zabrina, Sabrena or Zabrena?
Any and all suggestions are appreciated! :)
Happy Mother's Day!
Sabrina is a pretty name. I like the suggestion of Sabrina Leigh.
Please don't spell it Zabrena. It reminded me of Zebra right away. Zebra's are pretty, but she may get teased. ;)
with my ad i used my two sisters middle names: therefore her biomom's middle name and another sister's middle name. it ended up being AnnMarie. my next daughter i named after my third sister's middle name.
Sabrina is a beautiful name. My ad had a very common name when i adopted her and i kept it the same, non traditional spelling and all... and it was a big mistake!!! her school transcripts never seem to get corrected and even family misspells it. also, i can't find a dern thing with that spelling. to top it off, without fail i hear someone calling her name in stores and wonder "why" is someone calling my child!!:)
just something to think about.
i vote for Sabrina has a beautiful flow to it.
My DD is Sabrina... but I used her birth last name for middle name. Not sure if you have a referral yet but if you do consider part of her birth name. In my opinion Sabrina is such a beautiful name it sounds good with just about anything.
Love the name Sabrina Rae that someone else mentioned too.
I love love love that movie...has special significance for me. I was watching the remade version and could not stop it has sad parts but..... I was sobbing. Found out the next day...I was pg with dd :wings:
So since dd's middle name is Danielle I vote
Sabrina Danielle
or Sabrina Kate
or Sabrina Katherine
I like the traditional Sabrina. I think you have to pick out what you like. Its nice if you can use part of her birth name. We kept the middle name the same on our first little girl and will try to on our second. Do what you feel good about.. :)
AOK! Here's the latest report -- we're still trying to decide on Baby Girl's name. Why oh why is this soooo difficult.
Here's what we've narrowed our "Sabrina" choices down to:
Sabrina Elena
Sabrina Lucia
Sabrina Raquel
Sabrina Antonia
However we also like:
Catarina Pilar
Catarina Isabel
Catarina Beatriz
Catarina Rosa
Angelica Carmen
I'm hoping to visit Baby Girl in July. And then I'll ask her which name she likes the best :)
You know you do have to tell us which one you choose, right? Gold star to the one that wins!
Really like Sabrina Elena and Sabrina Lucia. Very pretty. I am not favoring Catarina, maybe because is sounds more German to me because of the ice skater.
I am partial to Angelica too but that is because it is my daughter's middle name.
I vote for incorporating one of her names she started her life with. Regardless of whether or not it "fits". I am 35 years old and no one has ever referred to me as my first and middle name. It only comes up when I fill out paperwork... so insignificant in fact that I dropped it alltogether when I got married and changed my middle name to my maiden name officially.
I like the traditional spelling. My niece's name is Sabrina Elizabeth. I think it is beautiful. I am also a fan of long names for girls
I'm w/ Brandydawn on her two top faves.
Excellent idea to "ask"baby girl. You might get down there and she'll LOOK like one of those names (or another one entirely!!!) in person.
Very interesting! Thanks for the feedback. Actually DH is German --and he really likes the name Catarina. Go figure -- as in skating...get it?! :) Although he loves the names Sabrina and Angelica too. Whenever we discuss names -- we always need to consider how our extended family in Germany would pronouce it as well.
I think I just need to hold Baby Girl in my arms when I go on my visit trip -- and see which name "FEELS" right. God -- I can't wait!!! :flower:
Have to admit I'm fond of Lucia... it's a feminine version of Lucas ;) And Sabrina is very pretty too!! not sure what Sabrina means but Lucia means 'light'... :D
I like Rose or Rosa. I'm naming my child Anna Rose.
Old names are back! I teach Kindergarten and I see all the parents with new babies are using names from long ago like Lilly, Rose, Anna, etc. I love them
I'm from the South so calling girls two names is very common here.