I have an 11 week old and since about 3-4 weeks old have been using the kiddopotamus swaddling blankets with him. What a lifesaver in getting and keeping him comfortably asleep! It keeps him from startling when I put him in his crib and when his arms move. What I'm wondering is, how long is it recommended that you swaddle a little one? I've read that it can help prevent sids, but also know I don't want to still be swaddling my son when he's 12 :) Should I be working to teach him how to sleep wihtout it or is it no big deal to keep going?
I have found, over the years, that swaddling stops being effective between 3-6 months depending on the infant. I've had little ones that learned to squirm their way out at around 3 months and others that were happy for a couple months longer. I've always just let the baby decide when it's time to stop the swaddling :) Personally the longer and better they sleep..well...YIPEE For me! LOL