I was able to easily find my birth mother with some help from a friend. But, what made it so easy was that I got as much information as I could. If you don't have your non-identifying information, please get it. If you were adopted through an agency, get the non-id info they have. I was adopted through Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children, and when I got my non-id info from the state, they had different information. I was able to piece the information together from both sources and find my birth mother. I know it may cost a little bit, but it may really help you out. For example, if you find out your birth mother's birthdate and birth state, you can pull up all females born on that day in that state through (my local library provides this service free). Then at least you have her name - you just have to then pick through the names and figure out which one she is. Happy Searching! Have a great day!