I think you should a find a salon that specializies in african american hair as well. Or find an african american woman in your community (church, school, community classes, etc) and get some advice about local resources available to both you and your daughter. I'm sure both you and your daughter would be rewarded if she has some african american role models or at least contact in her life. Why not start early and get her involved in some small way in your community?
I am an african american woman, who has bi-racial children and believe me I sympathize with you, lol. Our hair can be hard to manage but with some practice you can do it in a snap. the best thing to do is use a very good shampoo and conditioner, conditioner is the key. You can also buy a detangler spray so that you can comb through her hair. If she is young try not to use the hot comb to much it will break her hair off, try putting it in several pony tails and braid them with barretts at the end. If not you can always call african american shops and see if you can get her hair braided, but it can cost a lot of money so do your research. Also the library is a good source to find info on how to do Afro American hair. And dont forget the hair grease, lol. the best hair grease I use and like is Super Gro, you can usually find it at Wal-mart or Wal greens. Hope this helps and Good luck!