We are really getting close to finishing our homestudy and being certified to foster/adopt!
It's funny - we are doing things so backwards. Last night we went to the Orientation 2 hour meeting but we already have filled out the application, had the background checks done, fingerprints, 2 home visits and been having our FS come for weekend visits=) The only thing left to do is take the classes at the end of June! Yeah!
I'm wondering though if any of you go to some sort of foster/adopt support groups? Do they offer any help to your bio children in the adjustment period as well? My 3 bio children are so excited to have M as part of our family but I'm thinking down the road my 13yo bio son (same age as FS) will perhaps need some support himself with the adjustments.
We live in York county - does anyone know of groups around this area?
I wish that I did know of some support system in York County! It sure would be nice! It would be so great to talk to someone that understands exactly what you are doing and going through. Good of you to anticipate some difficulties with your bios--it will happen. May take some time but just remember it is coming! There are certainly days when I wonder what I have gotten myself into( and who have I dragged in with me?) and who do I think I am exactly. I have to remind myself that I am just me. And I love children-mine and everybody elses. I think it is a gift to be able to love other peoples children. So many people only are capable of truly loving their own. Soooo--now that you know that you have the gift.....just keep on giving! Your children will take the cue from you.
There is a transracial support group in Lancaster STARS is the group name, I don't know of any others though