No she won't, i have tried a million times, she lied to me saying i was the only one wih my twin, then when non id came she wouldn't even budge and help me one least, they all are mean over there and refuse to tell you much.How dose wendy fruend know you?
I was a true foundling and over the years she was a great aid to me .Because of herI have now found my birth father half sister 2 nieces and a half brother I dont know you but the way you approach her might help .tell her you have been in contact with me Steve Gorey in Florida and I said she was a great help to me .Would she please give you whatever aid she can for all reasons MEDICAL if you have children or anything she might be able to suggest
I just spoke with someone there, and most ofthe records wre put on miro film. Mine were no longer there since it was from 1971, but the JCCA HAS MY RECORDS , AND THeY ARE SENDING ME WHAT EVER THEY HAVE. I would try contacting the adoption acencey. Ny foundlinf was the forster place.
I called and was told they had sent me something and had my file there when Ic alled, hummmm anyways i didn't recieve anything directly from them steve, so there sending me some stuff and i hope it's my siblings birthdays, steve how can I reach you in private or could you send me a private message, thanks jo
My sister was taken away from mom and placed there at age 4, approx. year then was 1970 - 71?? My understanding is that our parents wouldn't sign any adoption papers. Does this mean she grew up at the NYFH? If so, how would I get any info about her...Lillian was her birth name and I can only believe that at the age of 4, no one would change a childs name?!? Well, I need all the help I can get...please!
P.S. Why do I remember the NYFH being in Brooklyn???
My motehr never signed papers either,I wonder,I was born in 1967, I know we remained in nyf for a few months and then taken to a foster home and waited 6 yrs before we became thew ard of state, abadoned was considered here and we were finally adopted in april of name was changed from joann lee sideratos to joanne popowick when iw as adopted, birthdays and usually obc numbers in ny do not change, first go to the adoption registery and fill out forms for a siblings earch, send it notorized to nyf along with a letter explaining about your sister and they should have ehr file still tehre even on microfilm and they can send you inof, with me all my sibs were adopted through nyf and because they were adopted nyf won't tell me their birthnames, birthdays ,i know genders right now and years of of luck, jo
I cant answer your question about growing up intheNYFH but I can tell you after a certain amount of time you become a ward of the state .Call the Foundling Home and ask for Wendy Freund and speak with her tell her the whole story,you can also say you spoke with me Steve Gorey and I believe she knows who I am after 35 years let her know you are interested in non identifeying and identifying information .you may not get it on the first try
Steve...I spoke with Ms. Freund and she is a pleasure...mailed out info for her today and she wished me the best of luck...need a world of people like her...THANKS!!! I will keep you posted on any info she gets back to me...