My sister was given up for adoption, I found her on myspace but legally I couldnt contact her. So i put up a post so that way she might see it and know i was out there thinking of her and she could know a little bit about me. Well she read the post and freaked out and now doesnt want to meet me or my mom.
I dont know how to fix this. I totally screwed things up for my mom and everything.
But the worst part is I am mad at my sister, I hate her for acting this way.
Any suggestions?
That is sad. How old is your sister? How old are you? She may have been freaked because she didn't expect to see this on myspace. Was your message vague or too specific? She may have worried about her friends seeing it depending on her age. She may have also been mad to find out she has a sister who is with her mother and she is not. It completely stinks (pardon my french) that she didn't respond the way you had hoped, but hopefully you planted some seeds and as she digests all this, she will search you out in a more positive way. Good luck to you and your mom.
Let's see. You're not legally allowed to contact her. But you did contact her, in a very public way. And now you're angry and you HATE her because she didn't take it well?
I think you know that what you did was wrong. I suggest you beg forgiveness from both your sister and your mom; and then butt out.