Exactly how picky is the DCF on the amount of space you have in your home? I have two daughters of my own and we live in a three bedroom mobile home and there is plenty of living space, but I am worried about what the requirements are on the bedrooms. Of course my girls could share a room if needed untill we move to a larger home (which we expect to in the next year). And if the child is two or younger we usually like to put them in our own room for saftey issues untill they are ready for a big bed.
I am sorry you have not received an answer to this...I would like to know this myself. We do not have a huge home.
Have you completed MAPP yet? We have, but never had our homestudy. We were told the MAPP classes/certificate was good for 5 years...but...then Florida went privatized and we were then unable to make any headway with further contacts. Our DCF adoption...was halted. We have gone in a different direction...but would still love to complete Florida adoption in the future! I would so love to pick up with an agency that will work with our MAPP classes.
Good Luck
Love & light
We are lic. thru BBCB we are allowed 5 children in our home, the youngest is 7 mth, she will be allowed to sleep in our room until she is one. I have 1 fd and one adopted daughter in another and our son in one. It really depends on the size of the room, we have had a set of bunk beds in one room for four girls once. they just need to they have their own bed and room to put their belongings.