Were tossing around some ideas on what else weҒd like to add to the forums here at so far, here are some ideas we֒re thinking about:
Quotes A place where you can post notable quotes and they can be voted on
Recipes ֖ They would be posted in articleӔ like format with feedback options (like blog comments)
Quizzes ֖ Im not sure how these would work for this community at this point Җ but I wanted to throw it out therethis would be similar to Polls, only in quiz format.
Articles, Poems, Stories: All of these would be delivered in the same format as recipes Ŗ you would post your content (article, poem, story, recipe) and members would have an opportunity to rate your submission as well as comment on submissions, much like blog commenting.
Anyway, Id love to hear your feedback on these possible features as well as any suggestions you might have regarding features.
How 'bout these?
[ATTACH]47867[/ATTACH] (Looks just like dh in his beret!)
Very cool - but one word of caution - We can't use Yahoo/MSN/AIM Copyrighted smiles.
OOPS sorry Brandy I didn't know. I just thought they were neat.
I like the recipe idea also, or maybe a craft section might be good.
5/30/57 Washington D.C.
How about a "my ears are burning" smiley???
My ears are about to fall off due to this thread!;)
I'm not a smiley expert, so trust that one of you will find me that special smiley!!! LOL!
Can we have a feature on the forums that cleans our basements while we surf the new posts?
I've GOt to make some head way down there tonight. I RAVAGED through everything to find my photograph I had taken of the NYC skyline in 2001 and Josh is going to be an unhappy camper if he sees the huge mess I made. (I did one of those "hey let's organize but stop and look at pictures and then play with the baby and oh it's time for lunch and OMGATORNADOHITTHEBASEMENT things.)
I sent you an email with a bunch, but here are a few more I found in my search.
Here is one of my favorites...
Last update on May 7, 3:20 pm by Miriam Gwilliam.
I will Pm you my personal email address to use for the file - due to the number of virus' sent via email attachment, most attachments are stripped by our mail server.
I'd love to see a forum for parents who have adopted more than one child from the same first family........
Here's a forum idea. How about one for parents raising both adopted and biological children? And maybe one for adoptees raised with their aparents bio-sibs?