Hello everyone
I will be writing a research paper about a controvercial american/ global problem. I would like write about a topic related to foster care or adoption. However, I am stuck write now and cannot think of a good topic... :confused:
If anyone has any sugestions, please post back or write to me at
Thanks! :)
Wow there are so many issues in both foster care and adoption that you could look at. There have been several cases of foster child abuse semi recently that have made the news. Open adoption can be controversal especially to those who think closed is better. Of course there is the race issue in both foster care and adoptions (should families be allowed to foster/adopt children of a different race...) You could look at the international vs domestic sides of adoption....well those are few to get you thinking hopefully they help you at least narrow your scope
How about the nuclear family?
Family has changed so much since the times of my parents ( yeah, so I"m old, hehehe).
Even the terms we use are antiquated. Extended families don't even have terms for themselves yet.
who is who and how are they related.
Good luck
If you're writing a paper go with "controversial" issues. ;)
Beyond that, if you specifically wanted to do foster care, you could write about the issues regarding why so many children are waiting. If you wanted to go the way of adoption, you could research coercion both in the past and today. That's controversial, for sure!
Best of luck!!!
How about weighing the pros and cons of placing children in foster/adopt homes when they are not free to be adopted? Why is the traditional (temporary) foster home becoming a rare and endangered species? Why are birthfamilies finding themselves in competition with foster/adopt families for the right to parent their own children?
I don't mean to offend anyone. These are just a few of the issues that I've wondered about as I read postings on these forums.