Hello there. I'll try to make it short. Alex has been home now for almost 2.5yrs. He just turned 6 in July. Alex overheats WAY TOO easily. I talked to his pediatrician who btw, doesn't know his head from a hole in the ground. sorry but he's the one who misdiagnosed the urgency of my DH needing surgery when he got bit by a spider. They think it was a brown recluse as the flesh was starting to die around the bite. He also said to get our other son new boots instead of clubfoot surgery. So figure me if I don't hold him in high regards but healthcare there is free. Anyways, he told me alot of kids get over heated easily. Hello, I have a few kids and that's just not true.
Now, I mentioned this to my neurologist and she did run bloodwork on him. All came back normal. She said we could go to an endocrinologist but they'll just treat the symptoms anyways. So that's what we've been doing w/ Alex. Treating the symptoms. He knows to wear a hat outside and before he goes out, he saturates it in water. He constantly has to pour water over his head to remain cool.
Let me explain what happens to him and maybe some of you might have ideas of what is going on and suggestions on how to help him better. Also, let me say that it is NOT the meds he's on as this happened before he started them and I also verified w/ the neuro to make sure it was not a side effect. It doesn't have to be hot out either. We are in the south. It was in the 70's, nice breeze and he lasted around 5 minutes before he had to come sit down. Last week, he and Max went for a bike ride. He soaked his hat in water & put it on his head before going out w/ his brother. Told Max to get him back immediately if any signs happen. He brought him back about 15 minutes later. Alex was beat red in the face. Completely flushed. He looked as though he was ready to pass out. We got ice in a rag and put it on his head. Made him sit down. It took 30 minutes or so for the redness to go away. Today, we were at the park this morning. Nice weather at the time. Low 80's, not much humidity, etc. Well, he's swinging at the park and says, Mom, I'm tired. That's a sign he's getting too hot. His face was also starting to get red. So we go home to cool off, drink, etc.
So, any suggestions. We carry water everywhere we go. Do what we can. But he wants toplay like the other kids but gets way too over heated. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Do you think we should go to an endrocrinologist? Anyone have similiar experiences w/ their kids? What did you do?
Thanks in advance.
Take care,
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Did he have rickets? One of the lingering effects of rickets is sweaty and hot heads. DD had rickets and it was over 2 years home before the sweaty head, red face stopped. It was horrible...and happened daily. In the first picture...her hair was soaked from sweating...yuck...poor kid but thankfully that stopped.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Also, interesting article below...talks about the damage done to our kids brains...the may help explain as well. He is RAD/AD right? My Alex is the same way...I'll look for a picture to post to see if it is same as your Alex...[/FONT]
Bonding and Attachment
By Susan Scott, NW Neurodevelopmental Training Center
They are called unattached, or unbonded, attachment disordered, or attachment impaired. They are children and adults from all walks of life, who fail to form strong and appropriate relationships. They are the bane of counselors and psychologists, because they do not respond to conventional methods of treatment. They fill our prisons, in the person of sociopaths, compulsive criminals, and serial killers. They make headlines when they kill their parents or spouse. And they are our children.
Many people will read this description and say, "Thank goodness, I don't know anyone like that." But, chances are, you do. As with any other neurological condition, this one occurs on a continuum from the very mild to the very severe. So, lets look at some of the characteristics of attachment impaired children as they fall on the continuum.
Attachment disordered children may seem either remote or clingy or both. Parents may say of their child "He never sleeps in his own bed," or "He won't go to sleep unless he is in our bed." Sometimes they report that the child is remote and doesn't respond to displays of love and affection. Though these two behaviors may seem paradoxical and contradictory, they stem from the same root. They both result from the child's inability to receive and interpret love.
This child may appear to lack empathy for others or he may seem to be overly attentive to the feelings and wishes of others. The child's teacher may comment, "He may hurt one of this classmates and then laugh about it." He may also go out of his way to appease the people around him. Both of these behaviors result because the child doesn't have a way to know what others are feeling. In the first case, he cannot compare the hurt that his classmate is feeling to any event in his own experience and, therefore, has no empathy for the classmate. In the second case, it is his inability to know what those around him are feeling that causes him to feel the need to be conciliatory. They may be mad at him or may be pleased, but without a way to know, he must assume the worst and do whatever is in his power to prevent it.
For a similar reason these children may seem to be cruel or merciless. Because of their incapacity for empathy, they do not have the same restraint on their behavior that other children have. They may abuse animals or siblings without showing any understanding that this behavior is wrong. For them there is no link between their own experiences and the experiences of those they are abusing.
The attachment impaired child may appear exceptionally shy or socially promiscuous. ("Socially promiscuous" is a phrase coined by Florence Scott, R.N., which refers to a child who tries to win the favor and attention of almost everyone he meets, as if he does not have a clear idea of who his caretaker is.) Again, although these behaviors seem contradictory, they arise from the same cause. Because this child does not have the capacity to receive and interpret social signals, he may fail to receive the messages sent by others inviting him to participate in a social life. And as a result he may become withdrawn and reclusive. On the other hand, this same inability to receive and interpret social signals may result in the child failing to discriminate between his relationships with parents and family members and his relationship with those outside the family circle. He may walk off with a stranger while on a trip to the store, or share personal family information with someone he has just met.
Finally, this child may respond in ways that are not appropriate to the circumstances, leading people to believe that he is "putting on an act." He may operate by a set of rules that are very complex, but never expressed and he may expect others to follow these rules as well. If those around him fail to operate within his rules, he may become angry. Again, this is often not expressed. As a consequence, though, the child may feel confirmed in his belief that the world is hostile and unsupportive. The child makes his rules in the first place because he does not necessarily perceive the guidelines that we ordinarily operate by in society. Without these external guidelines, he feels at a loss and tries to gain as much control as possible in order to have security. As a result of this, he may appear rigid and inflexible to those around him.
The net affect of this condition is that the child operates as if he is living in a different world from those around him. His responses do not match the circumstances and his relationships do not form along normal lines. A picturesque way to describe him is that he interacts with the world as if he is wrapped entirely in cotton batting. The stimulus that comes to him is muffled and distorted and all of this outreach to the world is restricted by his condition.
What is it then, that underlies this behavior? The children and adults who demonstrate these behaviors almost universally have an injury to the area of the brain known as the pons. The pons is the area of our brain that is primarily responsible for life preservation functions. It is the part that we use when we feel extremes of heat, cold, pain, and hunger. It identifies threats to our life and person. And, significantly, it is far below our cortex in the developmental process, and therefore, it has no language. It is not possible to express in words the experiences that we have at this level.
When I say that the pons is responsible for life preservation functions, I mean just that. It controls our respiration, heart rate, and other functions without which we could not survive. People with severe injuries in this area do not live. Those who die in car accidents often die because they have injured their pons. The function of this area of our brain is critical to our survival.
As part of its life preservation functions, the pons is the part of our brain that perceives extreme sensory messages of heat, cold, pain, and hunger. While most of our sensory input is monitored by our mid-brain, these particular sensations bear directly on our health and survival and are monitored by the pons. If we become too hot, we will die. If we become too cold, we will die. If we become too hungry, we will die. And, if we are in a situation that is causing us pain, we are also in danger of losing our life. People who have injuries to this area of the brain (not so severe that they result in death) are often unable to perceive these sensations. Surprisingly, people with these deficits and those around them are often unaware that their sensations are not "normal." Parents and teachers might report "He's a tough one. If he gets a scraped knee, he just picks himself up and goes on playing." In a biography of T.E. Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia, it is reported that as a youth he broke his ankle during recess at school one day and walked on it for the rest of the day without saying a word about it. A person with normal pain perception would not have been able to do this, no matter how hard he tried. As a result of this deficit, people with pons injuries are isolated from the world around them. They do not receive critical information that they need to orient themselves in their environment. Without knowing that it is happening, they are being cut off from the outside world. People in this position sometimes make an attempt to reconnect with the world by committing acts of self-mutilation. For example, some people cut the skin on their bodies with razor blades or knives. Some people do an extreme form of nail biting and chew the skin off their fingers. When asked to explain why they do it, these people often respond that, "I just wanted to feel something, anything at all." This lack of pain perception affects their ability to empathize with others. If affects their ability to form relationships, and it affects their sense of placement in the world.
By means of the perception of the extreme heat, cold, pain, and hunger, the pons is able to recognize threats from the world around us. One of its life preserving functions is to identify these threats and put us "on guard." When we are in a situation that may pose a threat to our safety, our pons helps us to stay alert and carefully evaluate what is happening. However, when an injury occurs in this area of the brain, this function becomes dysfunctional. The child may become hyperalert and anxious, because the pons is working overtime and perceiving everything as a threat. Children in this position are the ones who cannot sleep alone or become hysterical at the possibility of being left with a baby sitter. Adults with this dysfunction often report that they feel a constant and undefined anxiety. They might say "I always feel like something awful is going to happen, but I don't know what." Sometimes, instead of the pons working overtime, it doesn't do its job at all. Children and adults in this position often behave recklessly and in some cases deliberately do harm to themselves, because they do not receive the messages from the pons that should tell them that they are in danger. They seem to act without discretion, unaware of the danger signals that most people recognize. In either case, the child becomes "disconnected" from the world as a result of the failure of the pons to do its job properly.
This isolation from the world is further compounded by the inability of the individual to express his feelings verbally. The isolation that is brought about by this type of injury can elicit deep feelings of loneliness, abandonment, and despair, but since these emotions originate as a result of the injury, not in response to an external fact, it is next to impossible for the individual to verbalize them. Our pons cannot express itself in words, and so the injured person if left helpless to describe the fear and anxiety that he feels. This places yet one more barrier between the individual and the outside world.
Finally, disconnection from the world can be accompanied by a disconnected sense of time. Pons injured individuals may not perceive time as a continuous flow of one minute to the next. An event may not appear to have a consequence in another time. It is no consolation to say to a child with these perceptions, "Don't worry. I won't be gone long; I'll be back in half an hour." It is also useless to threaten such a child by saying "If you don't behave, I'll send you to your room for an hour."
The cumulative effect of this collection of symptoms is that the injured individual feels that there is no place for him in the world. He may express this by saying "I just don't feel like I belong here" or "I ought to be dead. I don't deserve to live." This syndrome can also result in a deep lack of trust on the part of the injured child. Without sufficient means of receiving signals from the world or evaluating them if they are received, this child cannot learn to trust his own experiences and consequently cannot trust the world and actions of others. Eventually, when these feelings cannot be explained or justified, the child may choose to turn them off altogether. This can lead to the kind of cruelty that is observed in some unattached individuals. In an interview with convicted child molester and murderer, Wesley Allen Dodd, he said, "I don't have any feelings about what I did. I don't remember ever having any feelings."
How, then, does a child become injured in this way? Any blow to the head, high temperature or shortage of oxygen might cause damage to the pons. The pons can be injured in the same ways that any other area of the brain can be injured. So, for example, a car accident, a drowning, an illness resulting in an extreme fever, or being hit in the head at Little League with a bat could possibly result in a person developing some or all of the symptoms that have been described. However, many children (and adults) who have this syndrome develop it as a result of a separation from their birth mother in the first two years of life, rather than by some documental brain trauma. Children who have been hospitalized in their first year or two of life, usually involving surgery and usually involving having their movements restrained, often develop these symptoms. Sometimes if the mother is hospitalized and does not have contact with the child, the same thing can result. In some cases the child may be restricted in contact with the mother, and in movement, because he (the child) is in a cast for treatment of a broken bone or orthopedic problem. In some cases the separation is brought about by abuse and neglect. In any of these cases what has happened is that the process of bonding between the mother and child has been interrupted and often the child's ability to do the developmental movements appropriate to his age has also been restricted. It is very important to realize that the combination of emotional stress resulting from the separation and the inability to complete the necessary developmental activities results not just in a delay of function of the pons, but in an actual dysfunction. Function will not return when circumstances return to normal. The dysfunction will continue until it is treated. No amount of love or extra quality time spent with the child after that point will restore his emotional and neurological health until the problem in the pons is addressed.
There is a way to do this. Get a functional neurological examination and follow the program as instructed.
When a person begins treatment for this type of pons injury, he may likely experience some nearly overwhelming feelings of grief and/or anger. These feelings can be surprising and difficult to deal with because they do not seem to be in response to surrounding circumstances. It is therefore important to recognize that the feelings are arising because the treatment is directly stimulating the pons where the feelings are located, not because something is currently happening outside the individual that might elicit them. One person expressed it in this way: "Every time I get down on the floor to crawl, the tears start to come. As soon as I sit up, they stop again." Others have reported that they weep over television commercials or at any other slight provocation. Almost everyone who undergoes treatment for this type of injury experiences a similar outpouring of grief and sometimes anger. The feelings that they have been unable to express before seem to explode to the surface and erupt all at once. It is critical at this point for the caretaker, whether that person is a parent, a spouse, or a friend, to accept these emotions without taking them personally. They are an indication of important and beneficial changes taking place neurologically. The most helpful thing that the caretaker can do is listen patiently and offer support to the individual while he wades through these deep and confusing emotions. The individual may also experience some degree of resistance, both to his swelling emotions and to the treatment itself. He may complain and object to having to do the activities involved in treatment. Here again, the caretaker can offer structure and support to persist in doing the treatment every day. Eventually, however, after the flow of emotion begins to subside, the individual begins to form bonds with the people in his life with whom he has relationships. He will start to trust his own perceptions of the world and consequently be able to trust those around him. He will be able to identify and respect his own boundaries and those of others. His behaviors will changes and become more appropriate to his current circumstances.
If you are the parent or guardian of such a child, it is imperative to seek treatment as early as possible. By doing so, you can give your child a life of peace, security and happiness that will not be available to him otherwise. You may also save yourselves from years of frustration and worry over a child whose behavior is antisocial and even possibly dangerous to himself and others.
We asked our ped. about this too since the girls instantly overheat in any temp. above the 70's or if wearing too many layers of clothing. Our little one can't even sleep with a blanket and our house is pretty icy with the air conditioning on. He also thought it was a lingering effect of a slight case of rickets- vitamin D defiency.
So, we work on getting them lots of vitamin D everyday, hydrate them with water, pour water over their heads outside, and really I rarely let them outside between 11:00-4:00 because they are saturated in sweat and red from head to toe within 5 minutes.
Just something to look into. Good luck!
that's an interesting article, Karen - thanks for posting it!
I also read sometime ago about lingering effects of giardia and kids running hot.
Sam isn't as bad as what you mention with Alex, Stephanie, but he sure does run hot and overheats much more quickly than the rest of us. Especially when he sleeps - he is sweaty every night regardless of the temp outside.
He is such a little guy - no body fat- so its surprising to me he sweats so much and so easily.
I am looking for the giardia and sweats article that I am sure I read a few years ago. If I come across it, I will post it.
Unfortunately, some of us are just "red facers". I hate it, but there is nothing I can do about it. I feel fine not over exerting (just walking), not in the sun, etc., but my face just goes flaming red. People always ask if I am okay, yep, just red faced. My mom, the same way. My oldest daughter has more of an olive tone to her skin, but she still gets the red face. My youngest daughter is very fair, like I am, and she too has the dreaded red face. :mad:
Very embarassing when you are younger and in gym class and they make you stop whatever you are doing (playing volleyball, softball, etc.) because you are so red they think you are going to pass out. You feel fine... just look horrible :eek:
I make sure we have water and cool cloths, but it doesn't help... just gotta wait until the red face wears off. :o
Of course if he feels bad it could be something else, but the photo that Karen posted of Alex is pretty much how I look (minus the binky) after about a block of walking (winter, summer -- it doesn't matter).
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I knew I had an article about this somewhere...from a China group...but rickets is rickets. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Tracie~ What no binky?! LOL!![/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Stephanie~[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Because of Alex's RAD/AD...I figured that article may be of interest to you...we already know our kids have been effected by their it stands to reason that if they are RAD/AD...there would be other issues with the pons as well. Interesting thread...[/FONT]
By Dr. Jane Aronson
Rickets is a failure of the proper development of growing bone. The predominant cause of rickets in orphanages abroad is nutritional deficiency of vitamin D due either to inadequate direct exposure to ultraviolet rays in sunlight or to inadequate intake of vitamin D, or both. Rapid growth in low birthweight infants predisposes them to rickets.
Over time, the bone shafts lose their rigidity and bones can be distorted making them at risk for fractures. The flaring of bone at the metaphysis of the bone can cause deformities such as the classic rachitic rosary seen in the ribs of young infants with rickets. Thickening of the wrists and ankles are the other early evidences of rickets. Vertebrae, pelvic bones, and long bones can be distorted. Bowlegs can be the result of rickets. Craniotabes due to thinning of the outer table of the skull is detected by pressing on the bone causing a ping-pong ball sensation. The anterior fontanel is enlarged and closure may be delayed past 2 years. The shape of the head may become box-like (caput quadratum) due to thickening of the parietal and frontal bones. Exaggerated sweating particularly around the head may also be present.
Months or years may be required to repair the deformities and in extreme cases complete repair may be impossible.
The alkaline phosphatase of serum which in normal children is less than 200 IU/dL, is elevated in mild rickets to more than 500 IU/dL. As rickets heals, the phosphatase value returns slowly to the normal range. In healthy infants, the serum phosphorus concentration is 4.5-6.5 mg/dL, whereas in rachitic infants it is usually reduced to 1.5-3.5/dL. The serum calcium level is usually normal, but under certain conditions it too is reduced, and tetany may develop.
Eruption of the primary teeth may be delayed and there may be defects of the enamel and extensive caries. Permanent teeth may also inevitably be affected. Muscles are poorly developed and decreased tone is common in rickets. Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium and calcium is necessary for muscle function. Standing and walking are often delayed because of this decreased muscle tone.
Respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia are common in rachitic infants especially those infants with chest deformities. Anemia due to iron deficiency or accompanying infections often develops in severe rickets.
The treatment of rickets is vitamin D containing foods such as milk or formula which is fortified with vitamin D. Exposure to natural and artificial light is helpful. Some infants and children may require vitamin D supplements for weeks, months, or years.
Our Experiences with Sweaty Heads
*She did sweat when she took her bottle - profusely with her hair sticking to her head. We gave her bottle to her very hot. She also sweats in winter hats and in the summer.
*Kate would sweat very easily, can't remember if she would specifically break out in a sweat when given a hot bottle or not.
*Emily has a "hot head". She is a very warm blooded kid. Her hair gets wringing wet at times. What I 1st noticed though, was when she started to go to sleep, her head radiated heat. If she was laying with her head on my shoulder, I could feel her head heat up. I know when she is about to go to sleep because her head gets quite hot. year, the cool evenings will bother her hands.
*It seemed to go away after some time (at least it did for Caidi)... Caidi's head sweated a lot (Yangzhou) (but it was unbelievably hot there); Caia's never did (Dianbai)... Caidi was never diagnosed with rickets. She appeared to be healthy in every way.
*A sweaty head was very common in those first few months. She would sweat so much whenever she drank a bottle that her hair would be dripping. 17 months after coming home, she still sweats when playing hard, but not nearly as much as she used to.
*Bethany had the sweatiest head I have ever seen. When we fed her a hot bottle, she would positively DRIP! It stopped once we were home, but on the hot day we had a few weeks back, she was quite sweaty, particularly around the scalp area! I wonder if there is a medical/nutritional reason for this?!?
*Our daughter also had a very sweaty head and probable rickets.
*She had a very, very sweaty head, especially upon drinking her bottle. In fact, all 6 girls in our group (mostly 10-11 months old) also had sweaty heads.
*And like all the others, she does have an excessively sweaty head. I did read somewhere that it is linked to rickets. Our daughter was a special needs child who was classified "mild rickets" causing a "chicken chest" on her medical records. I guess they call it pigeon chest in the U.S. She has a small indent in her chest and I've seen a lot of toddlers, even from U.S., with similar bone structures. We give her as much milk as she can drink and she gets lots of Hawaiian sunshine and has a beautiful tan. Anyway, with activity, she does get very sweaty.
*Her sweaty head was only on feeding her - and in China I put it down to her hot bottles - which she liked practically "boiling". This sweaty head has disappeared almost completely with her since she has been home with us. Her sweat smelt differently too - and my mother felt that it was due to her being fed "pork bone soup and such like" - as she had been.
*My daughter sweats like she is running for miles, even if she is in an air-conditioned room. I'll never forget her first day of daycare at 2 years of age, when while I was signing in, she called from behind me "Mommy, Mommy, buggy, buggy." There she was in a little jettney (like down the beach, if you understand what I'm talking about), with three other children who looked immaculate, and there she was, with her hair in wet strands and sweat all over her face. It was also one of the happiest times I ever saw her. She doesn't like a lot of covers when she sleep and perspires if she is covered with more than one blanket.
*She sweats, is it alot? I do not think so. She gets active and sweats.
*To this day Mallory still complains of being hot all the time. She loves to run around the house in panties or less.
*Amy does get hot very easily, from the first day we met her until now. Her head and face get sweaty very easily.
*Mia has a very sweaty head. She was drenched in China with all the layers of clothes on. Even now when she's active (which is always) her head is damp. We had some real hot days a few weeks back and my older two came home from school and thought that I had poured water on Mia's head. My older two did sweat as babies but nothing like Mia does. She also does not like a blanket at night. I try to sneak one on her when she's asleep, she just looks so cold and alone with no covers on!
*Our daughter, Jasmine, sweats like crazy!!! I bath her and wash her hair everyday. If we are going somewhere in the evening, I must wash her hair again. She is 2 1/2 and plays all day, but she has sweated like this since the day we got her. She does not want any covers or sheets on her - and will kick them off, even in her sleep. She will sweat mostly when she plays, cries or becomes frustrated. So when we are taking her somewhere nice, we have to keep her entertained without letting her play hard, plus keep her happy so she doesn't cry or get frustrated - needless to say, that is quite a challenge.
you say he just gets over heated and don't mention whether he sweats. If he isn't sweating that is something that should be addressed....even if it "costs" you a visit to a doctor you believe in.
Tracie -- Like you, I'm also in the "red-face" club! I'm fair-complected, and when I exercise (especially if I haven't exercised in a while), people always look so concerned because I turn so red. It goes away the more I exercise, though.
I do overheat very easily as well. As a child, after being out in 90+ heat, I had to come in occasionally in air conditioning. It made me physically sick to overheat, but otherwise I was a healthy child.
I'd check it out with your doctor to be sure, but I think some people are more sensitive to the heat than others. My dad (who I am like in every way except this) can stay out in sweltering heat for hours and it doesn't bother him. My mom, on the other hand, is more like me and gets overheated. In my un-professional opinion, I think the red face and overheating is genetic more than anything else.
Just my two cents ... :)
WOW how interesting! Alex almost 2.5 years has been home for 2 years. He is VERY fair skinned, but turns red almost as soon as he gets outside. He also gets a really sweaty head, mostly in the car even with the air going full blast. He came home at amost 6 months..could that have been long enough to develop rickets? Jackon was adopted at the same time and was 18 months and does not have the same problem. He has olive skin and gets brown as a berry during the summer.
My oldest daughter had the worst case she would pass out in the car she would after only twenty minutes in the heat go into a seisure her temp would reach 106 and higher we were in the hospital many times packed in ice before we know what this was. Even when she was 16 we were only at the fair for twenty minutes before she passed out by then they could not get a vain after packing her in ice they could got an IV started, we could not believe we eased up to much but after we got the diagnosis we would always let her play but only until we could see, she would need to sit, lots of water and in the car we carried a cooler with ice and water. The great news was they said children get better with age. They were right she is now 25 and knows when enough is enough but is so much better and my other two have a less agressive case. Just a suggestion get a note from your physician for p.e so they know to allow your child to rest and do alternate exercise indoors should it be to hot. If he's in child care giving them a note will help to ours didn't believe us until it happened there. Sitting with them and letting them know your child can pass out even indoors really helps they will assist them. The children get used to how it feels and get used to dealing with it. Our daughters are very happy. I hope this helps. Char
Thank you for the articles, they are very interesting, as two of our children had mild rickets-including my little "sweat ball".
He sweats constantly, can't take a warm bath or shower. If the water is even a bit warm-he says it's hot. His hair is always wet, from perspiration. One night in TV an actor said that he breaks a sweat peeling an orange--this is how my son is, and he was this way since he was a baby. (he's 13)
He has no other symptoms such as being tired etc., the sweat just pours off of him. OUr doctor just told us that this is the way he is.
He has no emotional problems, and is not overweight. He plays many sports.
If he was very red and had other symptoms, being tired etc. I would get him checked out.