Hi, I live in Lancaster County and my family and I have started the process of becoming foster parents. My husband and I have talked about the possiblity that the child could become adoptable that is placed with us and we may want to adopt. So I guess my question is would it be better to go into the foster care program with the hope of adopting. We want an infant to 2 yr old special needs child if possible. I am a nurse and want to help the child with special needs.I know we have an agency here in Lancaster that deal with SWAN, so maybe we should start there or just become foster parents first. Not sure
Im in Dauphin county... our agency is registering us under both fost-to-adopt and adoption. This will allow us to have children in our area that are in foster care placed with us that they have a good chance of becoming availble for adoption and will also allow us to adopt any child in SWAN or thoughout the US foster care system. We will be licensed for fostering, but our desire for something more permenant is taken into consideration when they are trying to place children. If you would like to exchange any more specific information, please feel free to PM me. Good luck in your pursuit!
As I just posted elsewhere, we are also in LAncaster COunty. What agency are you looking at? We ahd to be approved as foster first, and then adoption. We actually only got the adoption approval prior to placement because the count ywe ended up working with required it. According to our worker, Lancaster Co. only requires foster approval, and then after pre-adoptive placement requires adoption approval...OUr placement now is actually foster as BF's rifhts have not been terminated, but the county's goal (and ours!) is adoption. I'd be happy to help you out however I can. Be prepared to be very patient!
As I just posted elsewhere, we are also in LAncaster COunty. What agency are you looking at? We ahd to be approved as foster first, and then adoption. We actually only got the adoption approval prior to placement because the count ywe ended up working with required it. According to our worker, Lancaster Co. only requires foster approval, and then after pre-adoptive placement requires adoption approval...OUr placement now is actually foster as BF's rifhts have not been terminated, but the county's goal (and ours!) is adoption. I'd be happy to help you out however I can. Be prepared to be very patient!