I was born under the surname of Kahler in Chicago, Illinois on 28 August 1966. I have no information on either birthparent.
After birth I was placed with the Chicago Foundlings Home, which is no longer in operation. This facility was located right next to Cook County Hospital (Stroger) and Rush Medical Centers, at 600 South Hoyne, so it's possible I was born at one of these facilities.
While I was placed with my adoptive parents 7 months after birth, my adoption wasn't finalized until 6 December 1967.
I am interested in making contact with either birthparent and graciously appreciate your assistance.
I am an adoptee looking for my lost birth siblings, who do not know I exist. They were born around 1967 to Jennifer Gallagher and Marita Heyden. Both mothers lived in NW Indiana (Chicago area) and were around 16 when they gave birth. If you have any info or questions, please contact me.