My life is just up in a world wind right now, I just got called as Young Womens President, I am working 2 jobs to pay off bills, at the same time I feel like we are falling behind on our bills. I am gaining weight and just not feeling good. Sorry to vent needed this for a moment.... BIG SIGH:confused: .
I am so sorry that you are feeling down. I know that sometimes it all seems like too much and life gets overwhelming. Just take it one day at a time and always feel free to come here and vent or get support.
Hey life is hard sometimes, that's why we need support groups. :cheer:
Last winter I was having a real struggle. I was working full time and just had a difficult baby placed with us. The whole family dynamic changed and suddenly I felt overwhelmed with everything. I asked my bishop for a less intense calling and stopped all outside family activities. I also ask a family physician for medication to help with my anxiety. The medication was short term and helped me over the hill but down-scaling was really what worked and I refused to feel quilty. I had some family and friends that did not understand but I did not let their attitude interrupt what I was doing to help me. Just like what we learn in CPR cannot help anyone if you yourself are hurt.