Hello, just wanted to introduce myself. I am 23, married, and have a 1 year old (tomorrow exact) daughter adopted from Guatemala. We were fortunate to be able to bring her home at 4 months old. We are just starting to research and learn more about other types of adoption for our second child. Ideally we would love to do Guatemala again but were hoping to find something less expensive. For our first adoption we just knew it was Guatemala and this time the only thing that really jumps out at me would be a semi/open adoption. For the most part I am just lurking to find out more information and types of open adoption. We do have some initial concerns though. Do you feel it may be hard for our first daughter, who we know very little and has no communication with her birthfamily, to see a sibling having an open relationship with their birthmom? I guess number one this is my biggest concern. I don't want Olivia to feel out of place or that she is missing out on a relationship. We do have a picture of her and the birthmom but her birthmom asked specifically not to be contacted. Also if preference were given I would just assume be matched with a hispanic/ latino woman, again to be part of the same heritage. We are going to be taking Spanish lessons and plan to travel back to Guatemala so I think it might be easier for both children if they were to have some type of connection. Not sure if that makes sense... Ideally we would like some contact, not sure of how much is normal. Also curious as to how you are matched up, agency? referral? and how far along the pregnancy was. Also if you have any questions on Guatemala adoption feel free to ask because THAT I do know alot about.