Advertisements is happy to announce a new addition to our forums devoted solely to stories, which can be posted by Birthparents and Adoptees who have positive adoption stories. These are non-discussion forums, where birthparent and adoptee members can post their positive adoption stories without discussion/debate/rebuttal from others.
With all of the recent media coverage surrounding Roe V. Wade, we thought this would be a great place for women who didnt chose abortion, but rather, chose adoption for their child to share their positive adoption stories with our members.
Also, those most impacted by that decision are encouraged to share their positive adoption stories in our ғShe Chose Adoption section. Who better to speak about how this choice to choose adoption over abortion than those most impacted by the decision?
Because of the nature of the project, we will require that all submitted stories be approved before they are posted openly to the forums. Simply click on Post Thread, and then submit your story when youԒre done. Once youve submitted your story, it will automatically be sent to a queue for approval. Once your story is approved, it will be posted.
The purpose of this project is not to advocate adoption over parenting, but rather, adoption over abortion! It is, of course, normal for most birthparents to wish they hadnҒt been put into the position to choose adoption; however, there was a reason adoption was the choice over abortion, and wed like to hear your stories about why you made that choice.
I have started a petition to change the law to protect birth moms. Right now if you have an open agreement and the family does not stand behind it there is nothing you can do. PLEASE go to [url][/url] and in search bar type in protect birthmoms. Please click the link and sign the petition so we can make adoptive parents stand behind their open agreement.
I certainly wasn't a teen or young person when I was pregnant by my fiance'......who I'd known for 10 years. He told to "to get rid of It!"(our baby) Still raising my daughter from my 1st marriage(that guy abandoned us to marry his pregnant girlfriend)I was sooooo ashamed & alone and I knew I didn't want to raise another child who was rejected by his dad. I always carried tons of guilt & shame from my abusive childhood....which is why I married my 1st husband. All I wanted was a Happy family with dad & mom.I knew I would give my baby up for he'd never feel the hurt of being unwanted by his dad and he'd have things I could never give. While I was carrying my child...I would try & hide especially if I was out shopping because of the shame I felt. Well, one day while @ KMart.... 2 women who knew me came right up to my face & pointed their fingers saying"aren't You Ashamed?!"Oh... my heart sank as well as my head.The cruelty of people. My beautiful son was born 5-12-90! The next time I saw him he was 18. Oh....he soooo beautiful. I will always have the "I should have raised him myself".....but I know back.... then I couldn't. I DO know adoption was the Only choice.....NEVER abortion