Looking for birth parents
Born female 4-16-69
in Cook Co
Chicago, IL
also have a sister
Born 9-7-70 in Kane Co, Illinois
Mothers maiden name is ANderson
first name maybe Betty ( unsure)
Dennie Lee Henthorn 9-19-68 and Donnie Ray Henthorn 12-4-69 names at birth. Born to Brenda Henthorn at Cook County Hospital in ILL.
ISO baby girl adopted through Catholic Charities, Chicago, April 1969. Birth Mom used the name Angela Lepiane.
ISO baby girl adopted through Catholic Charities, Chicago, April 1969. Birth Mom used the name Angela Lepiane.
my name is angela strand ive been looking for my moms brith family 4/17/1969 was her brithday im not. Very good at texting if you can call me at 8125534543