Starting a list of shorthand terms/acronyms we use on the mod forum in efforts to make things less confusing. Feel free to add!:) When we "finish", I'll alphabetize it and sticky the list on a new thread.
JGA - Just Go Away - a function that makes it harder for an annoying member to sign on.
TACHY - Tachy goes to Coventry - function where member's posts are only visible to themselves and not the general member population.
24 - 24 hour ban/break
72 - 72 hour ban/break
GAPS - General Adoptive Parent Support forum
Guats - members of the Guatemalan forum
FM - Forum Moderator - moderates specific forums assigned to them
CM - Community Moderator - moderates the entire site and acts as back up to the fm forums when a fm is not available.
FM Forum - This forum - mod forum only visible to moderators've got them!:cowboy:
ADG - agency discussion guideline (or is that agd, agency guideline discussion?)
TOS - terms of service
Everyone keeps telling me thet BoTW means Book of the Week - but I know it really means Brandy's On The Warpath.
I'm not stupid :p
So does that mean that BTW does NOT mean Beth The Wonderful?????? (outside of my own little world I mean!LOL)
Advertisements which one do I add to the list??;)
Y'all are quite fond of yourselves...sheesh!
Since we're going that route, MIA = marvelously intriguing Ani. :p (or most interesting Ani)