I know, I have already found you. I know you are not ready to meet me and you have no desire to know anything about me...yet. I am posting this in hopes you change your mind one day and come here looking for me. I am very thankful your parents love you very much, given you lots of security and given you everything I could ever dream of. Please know, I am here trying to wait patiently. You have never left my heart or my thoughts.
i just had my attorney that did the adoption back in oct.1988 contact the adoptive parents up in canada. he left a message and they returned his phone call and said that she knew she was adopted and did not want any contact. after all these years of regretting this decision to give her up for adoption and hoping for the day that she turned 18 that i could have contact with her, well you can imagine the tremendous amount of greif i feel now oh how it hurts so much.. i never expected this to obe like this. :( :(
((((HUGS)))) Don't give up hope. When I heard DD didn't want contact I felt like my heart was ripped out. In order to keep myself from turning into a puddle of tears I started to create a scrapbook for her, to hand to her the day we meet. I also created a MySpace profile under my maiden name so she could find me. On the profile I include current pictures and and I blog about the things going on with me (I try to keep them funny and light). I have learned that 18 is young, she's at college, she's learning about who she is. I also realized quickly, I have prepared myself for 18 years for a reunion and she has not. Don't give up hope!! (((HUGS)))
they returned his phone call and said that she knew she was adopted and did not want any contact.
If I was you, I think I'd rather hear 'not ready for contact' directly from your daughter rather than from her adoptive parents. No offense to them (I'm one of them!) but maybe they only 'think' she's not ready for contact. Or maybe they don't want her to be ready. Birthmothers can be scary to adoptive parents and this could just be their feelings rather than hers.
Do you you think is right. Maybe see if you can find her on 'My Space' or 'Facebook' and see what she thinks. No need to force anything, but then you could find out firsthand if she wants contact. Or you could leave her your name, address and email if she'd like contact at a later date.
Just my opinion.