I am 22 years old and wondering how to find my birthparents. I know that I was born in Kwangju, S. Korea and that I was adopted at around 9mths. I think my name was Young-sub Ha. If anyone has any information about how I might be able to find my long lost relatives please help me.
not sure how much I can help but I have relatives in south korea. Maybe they can atleast get some phone numbers in the yellow pages for you? For some reason I want to say that your last name is young and first name is Sub Ha. The last name could be your bio moms maiden name.
Hi Eric,
Please have contact your adoption agency to initiate a birth search with korea. if there is no luck there, contact KAS at Also consider doing a DNA test if one hasn't been done already. contact 325kamra for a familytreedna kit at scroll all the way down for specific instructions in the US. if you have tested at ancestry or 23andme, you can transfer to, genesis.gedmatch, and familytreeDNA usually for free. If you have any questions, you can join DNA tested Korean Adoptee's and Korean War Veterans and their children on facebook