I got over here and started looking around because I have a dumb question.
I currently have 2 fc and the goal is RU. We talked about Lifebooks for about 2 sec. at PSMAPP and I guess I am not clear on what my responsibility is.
Lifebooks are just for kids going to be adopted right?
Because I wouldn't have any clue about the past of my fc's and wouldn't know where to start.
I thought about putting together a book for them of their time here though. I have never officially scrapped before, I made a book about our family for our adoption book but it was on the computer and I just had to print out the pages when I was done.
Thanks for any advice or opinions.
lifebooks are also good for foster kids since it is hard for them to track their lives. you should keep a scrapbook or even just a photo album with them and their time spent at your house so they can always know what was happening at that point in their lives. my adopted ds hardly has any photos and dd has none. they need a little somthing from every part of their lives to move on. if you are good on the computer, go ahead and do it that way.