Hi everybody~
My name is Kendra, I'm a Korean-adopted senior at the University of Minnesota. This past summer, I reunited with my birth mother in Korea, and it was the best experience of my life! Thus, I'm doing my honors senior thesis on the long-term relationships formed between adoptees, adoptive mothers, and birth mothers... but unfortunately, my network of other korean adopted friends does not apply to my research -_-;
I was wondering if any of you would be interested in learning more about potentially meeting with me or corresponding via email/chatting? (Especially those of you that are located in Minnesota!!!)
I am looking specifically at groups of triads that have known each other for at least 5 years. Optimally, I would interview each member to get a sense of the relationship that forms, going both ways, between adoptee-birth mother, birth mother-adoptive mother, and adoptee-adoptive mother. There is not much reseach on relationships between birth mother-adoptive mothers, so that is the main demographic that I am pursuing. However, anyone that is a member of the reunited adoption triad is welcome to write me if you have any interest in my project!!! (provided that you are over the age of 18)
Even if you don't think the other members of your family would be interested in participating, I would still appreciate any insight that you may have!!!
Thank you sooo much!