Hi, I've been fostering for almost 3 years and I was wondering if there are any fosterparents on this board from allegheny county!
We are brand new and just submitted our application and clearances. I would love to hear your experiences! Do you work with an agency or the county?
Its nice to fellow "burghers" on the board. I no longer reside in Allegheny county(formerly of WestView, now living in Springfield, MA).
I live in Stowe Township and it is nice to see that there are other people close by! :)
I foster through the county and I do like it. Every now and then I think about switching. Only because it seems like it takes so long for placements!
We have been foster parents of two Allegheny County children for almost two years, now preadoptive waiting for the tpr. We live just outside of Allegheny County.