We are really interested in open adoption, but my DHs job requires us to move quite frequently (every 2 years or so). I'm wondering if it would be fair of us to enter into an open adoption knowing that we might take the child out of the birthfamily's geographic area due to a job move. Obviously visits would be more difficult if we live far away from one another. Any thoughts?
I live 800 miles from my daughter's adoptive family. We have to be creative in visits with scheduling and ideas but we make it work. We visit quarterly; two visits they come here, two visits I go there. Of course, I am financially able to fund my visists there so that makes a difference.
Be up front about your husband's job and the fact that you will not remain in the same place. For some expectant Mothers, that will be a deal breaker. Others may not care, finding your moving interesting for the child... and by association, for them.
Just be honest. :)
I agree...just be honest.
I live 3000 miles away from my birthdaughter and her family. We are able to make things work.
When I placed her, I had no idea that I would be moving this far away, but I don't think it has really hurt our relationship. E-mail and cheap long distance calls make it really easy to stay in touch.
As long as you are upfront about your situation, there isn't an issue.
I mean really...none of us know where life will take us..there are no guaruntees that situations won't change.
Besides, in this day and age of internet-help with adoptions, birthparents and adoptive parents often live in seperate states.
It can still be open :)
I agree with everybody else that so long as you're open about this it isn't a deal breaker. My birthson's parents moved when he was about two. I know the Amom felt horribly about it but things have worked out and we see them every few months. The adoptive parents bought a webcam and we actually opened presents together through that right after Christmas.