Hi everyone,
My son come home on an IR-3. We want to change his middle name and would like to have a Florida BC issued. Has anyone done this? I've already called 3 attorneys that have no idea as in to what I'm talking about. They keep telling me all I need is a name change??? Please help. Thanks!
I tried to PM w/the name of an atty in Ft. Pierce, FL who does readoptions, but it said your box was full. Let me know when it's clear and I'll resend it!
What county are you in? All counties are different in regards to paperwork. I am in Hillsbrough. When I called the court house, they said I had to use a lawyer. Some counties you can do it your self. I have found a couple of lawyers that do it. If they don't know what you are talking about, don't use them. They are many out there that don't know what to do with a foriegn adoption.
I'm cleaning out my PM box!!!! Sorry guys... We live in Broward County Florida (Coral Springs)... Welcome any info... thanks!
I live in Broward County Florida as well and we used an attorney, family friend. We had to give him a copy of the COC & Guatemalan birth certificate and home study. We got a date to go to court and that was that. You need to find an attorney who knows what you are talking about. I don't know what my attorney would charge since he did ours for court costs only. I have a friend in Palm Beach County who did it without an attorney, let me know if you would like her info.
We readopted in Orange County.. We just gave the lawyer our protocolo and Guatemalan bc.. She sat up a court date, and it took about 10 min.. They changed Bryce's name at the same time.. I'd definitely search for an attorney who knew what you were talking about.. We contacted an adoption attorney.
Did our readopt in Palm Beach County without an attorney. Paid a private company to do the about 14 pieces of paperwork ($500) and it was about $250 to file with the courts. Broward county does NOT require a formal post-placement that will save you the $250 we had to pay for ours.
PM me if you want the info. We were happy with the service and everything was done correctly. She does paperwork for all of Florida.