So, here I am trying to get blogs posted, but I keep running into problems. Yesterday the site wouldn't load for ages. Today it won't let me post photos.
This is driving me crazy, folks, and making my work about 10 times harder than it should be.
I've already posted this to Nancy, but wanted to mention it here, too, in hopes that things get fixed.
By the way, it would be nice if someone could let us know what's going on, rather than have us beating our heads up against brick walls for hours thinking it may be our problem.
So...let me know when I can actually post a blog. I'm far too busy to spend the day trying every 10 minutes.
Okay ... so this forum is now a vacuum? Is this not where we are supposed to post problems? And if so, would a response be too much to ask? I don't need a manuscript on technoblather, but an acknowledgment that someone is actually out there would be nice.
That being said, can someone tell me why, when answering comments left on my blogs, I get the 'can't post comments every 30 seconds' thing for 10 minutes?
Hi Sandra,
The techs won't generally post to the forum, but they do read, and as you can see, things do get fixed. We had a major server outage last week that affected blogs as well.
The 30 second thing has happened before and if it doesn't get fixed by the time the office opens on Monday (I don't know if there's a weekend blog tech), I'll ask them about it.
Unfortunately, if there's a system-wide problem, everything is down... you can tell by trying another area of the site. However, I will see about getting notifications that a system-wide or server problem has occurred (after the fact).
I hope Nancy doesn't mind if I reply here - but I wanted to kind of give you guys a heads up.
When the site is down (like it was this week) we are all working hard to resolve it. This week's issue was only supposed to impact one area of the site, the forums, but due to issues beyond our control, it ended up taking the entire site down.
Because we normally don't know how long an issue like this will last - we don't send out emails (and we generally don't have a way to notify via the site, since its down) because chances are, by the time you've read the email, the problem is resolved.
I will certainly try to do my best to post here about potential downtimes - but understand also, most of the time we don't know when they're coming - and by the time they're here, we're all busting our humps to resolve them.
I am sure Nancy is passing your concerns along to the correct folks - if there were something I could do, I would, but I don't work with blogs - I'm the 'community' person. I hate it any time any of the site goes down and I personally have a 'work till it's 110%' attitude when it does...
Please continue to post your issues here (I see them, because I watch the forums) and as I see them, I will notify the Tech Team who works with blogs!
I am sorry this is so frustrating!
Yipee and yahoo! Thanks SO much, Nancy and Brandy. An 'after the fact' will be helpful, and up-and-comings will be much appreciated.
I realize that I may run into more of these issues because I'm on the other side of the planet, so trying to work when most everyone else is snoozing ... or doing techy-type things ... and I can live with that.
Sometimes it's nice to know that someone is listening, though!
We did have some downtime this morning - the problem *should* be resolved, but as with any issue - we could see some periodic hiccups, while troubleshooting.
Hang in there :) I will try to keep you posted.
Any idea when the RSS feeds for the blogs will be functional again? My readership is plummeting right now because no one knows I'm updating.
I e-mailed techies but their email is having a receiving problem. RSS feed hasn't updated since Friday.
I am so glad that others were having issues too! I couldnt get a thing to load the other day for the adoptionblogs site, or! I was going MAD! I am glad it is fixed now,and releived to know that I was not the only one screaming at my computer to just WORK! LOL