I have taken care of a little girl for 18 months who was here in the states on a medical visa getting a club foot fixed. On her return to her family, they have decided to give her up for adoption and we want to adopt her. Is there any "short cuts" to get this done?
Only American citizens living in Burkina Faso are qualified to adopt. Because the United States has not yet ratified the Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention, the adoption authorities in Burkina Faso have said that adoption by U.S. citizens not resident in Burkina Faso is not possible at this time. Only one Burkinabe orphan has received a U.S. immigrant visa in the past five fiscal years (in January of 2006). There are no US agencies placing children from Burkina Faso at this time. Long story short - I don't think it's possible, or if it is, it could be a very long, very difficult process. Your first step should probably be to contact the US Embassy there and see if adoption is even a possibility . . . . sorry. :(
maybe you can contact people at
[url=]HELP a child e.V. - Kinder finden Eltern - Startseite[/url]
the website is in german if you need me to help you with the language bit tell me.