Hi, I'm new to this site, and just wanted to introduce myself. I have 2 boys brought to me through adoption, and 1 that is my biological child. My little guy was born at 24 weeks gestation. He weighed 1 lb 13 oz, and was 12 inches long. He spent 91 days in the NICU, and came home with no monitors or oxygen. He is now 2 years old, and doing wonderfully.
I LOVE to hear stories like that! One of my nieces was a preemie (although hardly, compared to yours). We were so worried that she would experience developmental delays - HA! Little thing was such a smart baby, doing everything right on track or ahead, too!
We have friends whose son's situation was similar to yours, although I think he was smaller, and maybe a week further along. He is 3 now, and is doing WONDERFULLY! He was a little verbally delayed, but First Steps' therapists were great with him, and now he's just AMAZING! And fortunately, no lasting health issues.
I think having a preemie is SOOOO very scary for parents. I know our first match was for preemie twins (which later failed), and I had hardly any time to do research about preemies. This forum would have been very handy then! I hope it can be very helpful to people considering adopting preemies, or to those who give birth to preemies, and to all those parenting these little miracles!
Having a preemie is tough, but we were INCREDIBLY lucky. I belong to a preemie board, and some of the stories that I read there are so sad. My little one is really a miracle. My husband and I had tried for about 6 years to conceive, with no luck. So we decided to adopt. We chose to adopt through the foster care system. About a month after our boys came home with us, I found out that I was pregnant. I also found out that I had a deformed uterus, and I shouldn't have been able to get pregnant at all, and if I stayed pregnant, I would deliver early. His odds of survival were pretty low. But, everything worked out, and I have 3 amazing sons.
Just wanted to attach a picture of our oldest son who was born at 32 1/2 weeks, nothing to what your babies were, he weighed 5lbs 2 ozs and was 19 1/2 inches long!!!! Yes, we are sure he was early because I had surgery before becoming pregnant so I know excatly when I got pregnant to the day! They said if he had gone to term he would have been grown! He is 16 now and is 6'4" and still growing, he grew a foot last year! His shirt in this picture says it all!
my husband who was born 40 years ago, weighed less than a pound at 22 weeks. The nurses went out and bought buttermilk from the store and fed it to him in the hospital where he spent the first 4 1/2 months of his life! By 9 months he weighed almost 17 lbs!!!!!!!!!!
WOW! It's just amazing that your husband was such a tiny preemie! Even these days 22-weekers have a very low survival rate.
Yes, there must have been some very good nurses at the hospital where he was born! My in-laws lost a baby born at 26 weeks just 11 months before my husband so they are very lucky that he survived.
Great stories ladies.
Can any of you tell me if your preemies had a GMH when they were born? Our son that is on his way to us is a preemie, don't know exactly how early due to mom not receiving any prenatal care but he was 4lbs when born and also had the brain bleed (GMH) which normally only happens to babies born before 34 weeks.
So just was hoping to hear some positive stories from moms of babies born similar to ours.
We're hoping to be matched with a 29 week old preemie currently, and it is scary and exciting all at once! I just wanted to thank those who post give me hope! :)
ok the first thing that brought me to these forums is the simle fact that I am a Birthmom. A decision that feel was made be cause I 'gave up'. I did not trust my self as a mother to make the best decisions for my child and that is my biggest regret.
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