DH and I have a 4 yr old son who we adopted at birth, we've been working on our 2nd adoption in some way shape or form since ds was 4 months old. Granted we've moved a few times, but we've been with this agency for almost 18 months and NOTHING. In the midst of our frustration my endometriosis was really getting bad and I need another surgery to remove it. Our dr asked if we wanted to do a few months of hormone shots to try and concieve...and if we did now was the time. (We had stopped all infertility treatments 5 years ago). Our 1st month looked great, but AF came yesterday and I was crushed. We committed to 3 months of these shots and then we'll hang it up for good...wanted to give it another shot while still young. I'm just wondering if there is anyone else out there in our situation...or maybe this isn't the right spot? I feel we're working both fronts here, both mentally, emotionally and physically draining but all we want is a baby to love.
Mom2Sam, Good luck to you. I did my final IVF at the same time we were doing our HS process. I was sort of a type of person that wanted to keep all the balls in the air, because I had no idea how long it would take for us to get the HS done/matched, etc. Now that I have adopted and think again about having a #2, I thought long and hard about pursuing IF treatments again. I have insurance coverage for those so that is a motivating factor. But emotionally (and physically, frankly), I think I have decided I can't go back "there." Good luck with your second child whatever path leads you there!!! I do think there is a forum for adoptive parents who are TTC also...
I can honestly say that had I not been taking care of my grandmother during our whole adoption process (I actually lived in with her 24/7 while she was trying to recover from an amputation along with her heart failure), being hubby and I had decided to adopt, we would have possibly tried a little harder to conceive, too.
Had I conceived (for me, getting pregnant is the easy part, it's just carrying to term that messes me over), we would have still pursued the adoption, because after 5 miscarriages, we know for sure that pregnancy is not a guaranteed thing.
Had both happened at the same time (child birth and a match) we'd have moved forward in the adoption process and taken that as a sign from God that both things were meant to be.
Sorry for the ramble, but I hope it helps you. Endo is a cruel thing to deal with (my sister is 34 and just had a hysterectomy because of it), BUT, she heard over and over again, if she would get pregnant (she wasn't in a committed relationship is why she didn't conceive...not that she couldn't get pg), many times, the hormones from the pregnancy can resolve the endo all together.
Yeah we know it would be be miracle beyond our imagination if both worked, but after this many years of "trying" and "waiting" both with conceiving and adopting. We are just hoping one of them works.
I have heard SO many times, if you can get pregnant the endo will go away. After 7 years I haven't gotten pregnant. I'm very thankful I haven't suffered the heartache of miscarriage though. My heart goes out to those that have.
We are doing both. We've been ttc for just over 2 years, and just now I am waiting to do our first Lap. I have a few "probably endometriomas" in my left ovary, and I've been in a lot of pain, getting increasingly worse over the last few years. I have my Lap scheduled for March 26, been waiting for 4 months. It's been rescheduled twice, which is frustrating. They are most likely going to remove my left ovary, check for and remove any Endo, do a d&c and hysteroscopy for polyps in my uterus (had one done in August, they came back!). So, hopefully, after the surgery we will try on our own for a while. We are matched with a emom due on August 8, but we are waiting to see what the Lap tells us before continuing with ttc. We assume that I have Endo as well, but won't know for sure until after the surgery. If we don't conceive on our own, we probably will be done with IF treatments, unless someday we want to try IVF. It's a big risk with no guarantees, so we would wait until we already have children (we want a large family).
We plan on starting our adoption process this month. We will continue to TTC. Like one of the other ladies said, pregnancy is no gaurantee of a full term baby. So if we did conceive we would still continue with the adoption process. If we had a full term baby, we would stop the process of adoption though because we only want two children (we are getting up there in age). Good luck with your decision. I think a lot of people still TTC and take the adoption route as well. I hope things work out for you. Susan
Yes , we did (are doing) both.
We've been trying to concieve for over 8 years with and without the help of fertility doctors. I was diagnosed with PCOS. We've been foster parents for the last 5 years and for the first year of that we were doing infertility treatments with clomid/metformin and each cycle they would raise my doses but I would never come even close to ovulating. Durign that time we als had several foster children come and go, which was very difficult on us, because we got so attached to several in particular. When our doctor told us we had maxed out on Clomid and our next options would be either surgery or injectables (our insurance didn't cover either of them and each option would cost us thousands of dollars...and of course there was no gaurantee it would work). We decided to put our fertility stuff on hold for a while and since we were just completely CRUSHED that same month with lossing our precious foster baby we were told would be ours forever. We decided to go through our church adoption services for a domestic infant adoption.
Before we could even turn in our paperwork we got the call through the sate about a little 3(almost 4) year old boy who was legally free for adoption. We decided we would proceed with his adoption first and then go through our church for a newborn baby girl. Well, 6 months later we got the call through the state for a newborn baby girl that was legal risk, we of course jumped on the opportunity. Then about 6 months later we find out our beautiful foster daughter that I had grown so attached to (we had fostered her for 1 1/2 years at that point) was coming up for adoption. Then 3 months later we get a call about our youngest son who was only 8 weeks old when we got him.
We've since finalized the adoption of the first 3 and are anxiously awaiting the finalization of our youngest son.
Last October we found out our youngest sons birthmom had just had a new baby boy. We fostered him for abotu 2 months but he ended up going to a relative.
It was durign that time as i was caring for his little brother that I just felt with all my heart that little baby wasn't meant to be in our family. Instead I felt this intense desire and NEED to return to our infertility treatments and try and concieve a child of our own, so that's what we've done.
We've already had some new tests done and gave letrizole a try and I have an appointment tomorrow for an u/s and to start the injectables.
I know that's kinda a long history....sorry to ramble on....I was just talking to my sister about this last week. I wouldn't trade any of my kids for ANYTHING I am so blessed to have them in my life. But, my love for them doesn't erase my intense desire to experience pregnancy and child birth.
Having a newborn baby in my arms (like with my youngest sons baby brother) just confirmed to me 100% that I WANT to have that experience for myself. Where I can know right from the start that is my child.
If for some reason, IF treatments don't work. We might adopt one more down the road. I'd love to adopt a newborn baby girl with down syndrome. One where we got the baby as a newborn and knew right from the start she was going to be ours forever(domestic infant adoption). I can't live through another(foster-adoption) of waiting 2+ years never knowing if my BABY will be mine forever or if I'll have to give him back. It's just taken it's toll on me and my heart.
Anyways, that's my story....I wish you all luck in both your journeys of conceiving or adopting. Both bring the beautiful outcome of a precious child to love.
My husband and I agreed with out even really discussing it too much, that we would continue to "not protect" ourselves. We have tried for a little over 2 1/2 years, done the fertility treatments, etc. etc. with no luck. We discussed going back on some sort of birth control, but as the doctor put it "there isn't much point!" So I guess, if or when we get matched, and if I get pregnant, that is just how things are supose to be. I too was diagnosed with PCOS along with a slew of other things, It has been suggested or mentioned that I will be facing an early hysterectomy (sp), most likely around the age of 30, which is not too far off, so if we are going to try now is the time!
We were doing our last IVF cycle during our HS process. I remember one night after one of our HS classes, DH had to give me a progesterone-in-oil shot in my hiney in the parking lot. :o
That cycle didn't work of course and I grieved the loss of our babies (they're babies to me, not embryos) - but, if that had been a successful cylce, we wouldn't have DS and DD because we wouldn't have been actively seeking adoption. And that is a terrible thought to me because I couldn't imagine not having DS and DD in our lives now. So, something (actually two things) very wonderful came out of our loss.
We stopped fertility treatments as soon as we decided to adopt. We don't "protect" ourselves but it's nearly hopeless. IF we did become pregnant in the adoption process, our agency would put our profile on hold. It's their policy that it would have to be on hold until the bio child is at least 9 months old.
I never thought that there will be a miracle on the internet until i came in contact with Priest Babaka, finally i made it with his help, with his spiritual power which was recommended by a lady in baby center he help before, i never believe it was real until i confirm it now because i have tried so many things to make sure i get pregnant but no luck, immediately i contact him. he did some spiritual prayers and send me a medicine which i took, i got pregnant three weeks after, and i now have a son to show. thank you so much priest and i recommend Priest Babaka for everyone out there that is willing to have a child of her own out there. contact him for help too he is real and powerful, i have confirmed it, contact him on email: or Facebook at priest.babaka