Please share - what is your most treasured photo?
Wow! What a long day, after moving to our new house on Saturday and Sunday and 15 hours of labor this picture was such a blessing! This was taken at 9:30 pm on Monday May 24, 2004, Castle was about 3 minutes old and I had just brought her into the hallway from the delivery room for my husband Craig to see for the first time. As you can see we were both so tired we could hardly hold our eyes open but what a beautiful moment!
A year before we adopted ds I went to talk and the speaker showed a slide with a photo of a baby in a buggy in red squre with Saint Basil's cathedrel in the background. I started to cry because I wanted a photo like that with my own baby in it. so when we were in Moscow with ds I made sure to take a picture of him in red square with Saint Basils in the background.
It's a special one for me